.: Bachelor Party :.

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»I don't really care if you cry.
On the real, you shoulda never lied.
Shoulda saw the way she looked me in my eyes.
She said, "Baby, I am not afraid to die".
Push me to the edge,
all my friends are dead.«

Timeskip - Friday, bachelor party day.
Steph's dream about having sex with Shaun was still haunting him a bit, even though he had dreamed the dream three days ago.

After working out at the gym with Klay, Steph had spent some time at home.
LeBron had gotten everything ready for the wedding in a week.
Steph couldn't wait to get married, little did he know that LeBron felt the same way. For different reasons, though.
But what Steph had to focus on now was finding a good outfit.
Klay sat on the king-sized bed, which LeBron had bought two days ago.
"This bed is comfortable, man", Klay said as he laid back down before sitting up again.
"M'yeah, LeBron was of the opinion that we'd need a bigger bed. Y'know, it should be able to take his hard thrusts in without creaking during sex and stuff", Steph said while putting on a red shirt.
Klay cringed at that comment.

"How's this?", Steph asked while turning around.
He was wearing a blue pair of shorts, the red shirt and a blue cap.
"Damn bro, you look fine", Klay said while grinning, which made them both laugh.
"Thanks man. Good, now that's out of the way", Steph said and Klay got up from the bed.
At 3 pm, they met up with the rest of their crew. Jonas, Draymond, Shaun, Klay and Steph.
They all went for dinner at Steph's favorite restaurant, where they ate some Chinese food.

"'Kay boys, now that we've eaten, let's go and fucking celebrate!", Steph shouted excitedly as they all walked back to Steph's house.
Back at Steph's house, they put on the outfits that they had prepared.
Klay had bought blue shirts for everyone, which said "Steph's hot, but he's gon' be a married man soon!" in yellow.
Draymond had picked out yellow hats and Shaun had added yellow showers and blue shoes to the outfits.
"Okay Steph, you may come in now", Draymond said and Steph basically kicked open the door to his bedroom.
He read what the shirts said with a wide smile.

"My god, what did I do to deserve you guys?", Steph asked as he hugged all of his friends.
"You're amazing, you never changed yourself for anyone and you inspire so many people, including us", Shaun said and Steph hugged him again.
It was almost 6 pm now.
The group decided to go out and celebrate now.

"Bro, this your favorite club?", Draymond asked while eating some of the popcorn that Steph had bought.
"Yeah", Steph said before they walked in.
Before the group spread around in the club, Steph said: "Don't get too drunk. Not shitfaced-drunk, better in-a-giggly-mood-drunk."
Then they all hit the dance floor.

10 pm.
Steph was drunk.
He had gone against his own rules and he had drunk too much.
Klay walked over to Steph, who sat at the bar.
"Are you having a good time?", Klay asked while taking the last sip of his vodka.
"Y-hiccup-eah. I'm having a -hiccup- good time", Steph answered.
The two chatted for a short while before Steph went back on the dance floor.
Steph danced with Shaun for a while.

The music was good, Steph was drunk and he was out and about with his friends.
This night was going great. Too great.
It only took a few gazes across the dance floor to make Steph's heart pound inside of his chest.
Across the dance floor stood someone, that Steph knew very well.
Someone, that he loved but also feared.
LeBron James, the "King of Basketball" himself.

The two time MVP immediately stopped dancing. He couldn't take his gaze off LeBron.
Boom-boom, boom-boom, his heart was pounding harder than ever before.
Carefully, the light-skinned male tried to study the facial expression of his husband.
It was so unreadable and furious, it scared the living crap out of Steph.
The darker male walked towards the basketball player, he moved around like a panther.
Gracile but with so much anger.
Maybe it was because of his drunkenness, but it seemed like it took LeBron ages to get to Steph.
But once he stood in front of him, Steph suddenly felt like the soberest man on earth.

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