.: The devil wears prada :.

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»Her smile, it's shining.
We are ready, we are high, yeah yeah.
That hoodie is oversized, baby.
Pour the motherf*cking Henny into the Cola light.
My doubts are awake, always at night.«

*Timeskip - Wedding day*

Steph couldn't wait any longer.
Ignoring Klay's tip to get up two to three hours early, he got up.
It wasn't even 6 am yet, but Steph was already way too nervous to keep on sleeping.
After he had been laying in bed for half an hour, he felt way too nervous to keep on resting.

At 8 am, Klay Thompson came to Steph's residence.
"Did you take a shower yet?", the taller light-skinned man asked and Steph shook his head no.
Klay sighed. "Then what are you still doing here? Go and take a shower and get dressed, lil' crackhead!", Klay said with a smirk while Steph walked into the bathroom.

After he was done with showering, Steph put on his ocean blue suit.
LeBron was going to wear a black suit, which was why Steph had decided to put on an ocean blue suit.
His black bow tie looked amazing with the suit.
"There you are. Now, get out of here before your husband sees you", Klay said and the two left the house.
Later, a friend of LeBron came over to help get LeBron ready.
"When will he be here? When will he be here?", Steph asked repeatedly while swaying from one foot to the other.
"Steph, for the thousandth time - he will be here soon", Shaun said, slightly annoyed.
Steph cocked one eyebrow at that. Did he just hear a slight undertone of jealousy?
Huh, he could be wrong. So Steph decided to leave it at that.

The clock stroke 11 am - LeBron finally arrived!
His teammates led him through the entrance right into the church.
Steph was already awaiting LeBron at the altar.
LeBron walked towards the altar, his black suit from Prada caught everyone's attention.
The pastor began with the fair.

*Timeskip - I suck at describing wedding ceremonies*

As soon as the wedding ceremony was over, Draymond wanted to take photos of the freshly married couple.
The two men kind of did the same poses as they did when they got married civilly.
"Okay you studs, I'm done now", Draymond said after he had taken a good amount of photos.
Steph clapped into his hands. "Great! Let's go and celebrate then!", Steph said before he and his husband walked off to their Bentley. Well, it wasn't their Bentley, it was just rented for the special occasion.
While they were driving home, LeBron talked to Steph about a couple of things.
"I'm going to exit the car first, so I can open the door for you. While we're at the party you have to behave like a good boy.
You know what'll happen if you don't behave. You have to smile, nod and leave the talking to me. At least most of it", LeBron demanded and Steph nodded.
But deep down, he was unbelievably disappointed.
Why did he think that LeBron would be less dominant on their wedding day?
The car pulled up in front of Steph's house and LeBron exited the car quickly.
He held the door open for Steph, he even took his hand to help him get out.

Everything in the garden was shining in bright golden and blue tones.
Each and every teammate of the Cleveland Cavaliers were there, including their coach.
Steve Kerr and the Golden State Warriors were there as well.
Draymond and Jonas had matching ties on, which Steph found so adorable.
After LeBron and Steph had held their speeches, they started talking to their guests.
Music was playing and there was a buffet for the guests.
The mood was good, but Shaun soon noticed the possessiveness that LeBron had with Steph.
Every time, when Steph wanted to say something, LeBron either interrupted him or laughed at what Steph wanted to say. As if he was trying to make him shut up.

It was about 7 pm when LeBron went inside the house with Steph.
The reason why they were leaving was, that they had to get some more bottles of champagne.
LeBron basically dragged Steph into the house, his spanking was way overdue.
In the kitchen, LeBron placed four bottles of champagne on the kitchen counter, before he grabbed Steph's wrist and squeezed it way too tight.
"You silly, silly boy. Do you want to get spanked? It that what this is all about?", LeBron asked while his other hand slid up and down on Steph's chest.
Steph held back a moan. "No daddy, I want to be a good boy now", Steph said, fear was glowing inside of his eyes.

The two didn't notice Shaun Livingston and Draymond Green, who had followed them silently.
Shaun had insisted that Dray would help him find out what was going on there.
"See Dray? Something is fishy there. Klay was right", Shaun whispered and Dray nodded.
"C'mon, we need to go back outside. Otherwise, the guests are going to worry about us or something", LeBron said and Steph nodded. He hadn't spoken in a while.
Draymond and Shaun quickly left the house, right before the couple did the same.
"That was a close one", Dray said and Shaun nodded before they got themselves another glass of champagne.

Shaun kept an eye on Steph for the rest of the evening.
He saw how Steph kept on looking at his bruised wrist, how afraid he looked around and how Steph lowered his head whenever he stood next to LeBron.
"Something is terribly wrong, Steph's not doing well right now", Shaun mumbled while taking another sip of champagne.

Right before the day ended and Shaun's ride left, he confronted Steph about the situation.
"I-I don't know what you are talking about. Everything is fine, I love dad- LeBron and he loves me. I'm fine, Shaun. Honestly", Steph reassured him, the lie burned Steph's heart.
"Ahhh yeah, okay whatever. But if you need help, you know that you can always come to me. Goodnight Steph", Shaun said before he hugged the smaller man.
"I know, Shaun", Steph said while letting go of the taller man, "I know. Goodnight".

What Shaun had heard didn't leave him during the car ride and during the night.
Shaun knew, that he wanted to confront LeBron with what he had heard.
He didn't know how to yet, but he knew that he'd do it for sure.

(Wortcount: 1088 words)

My god, this took me ages to write!
I'm sorry about not uploading a chapter, but some stuff went down in my family and I still need to recover from that.
I promise that I'll never be inactive for almost two weeks again.
Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter, goodbye!

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