.: Helpless :.

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»Everyone's the same,
singing la la la la la la.
And the beat goes bam bam bam bam bam bam.«

Friday, 8:40 am.
Today was game day.
Steph still laid in his bed.
His eyes were dry, his cheeks were tear stained and he was so exhausted.
A quick look at the clock told him that he had to get ready now.
"C'mon Steph, get yourself together", Steph mumbled to himself before he attempted getting up.

But his legs didn't want to cooperate with him, so he fell down on his knees.
A new wave of sadness rolled over the light skinned man, soaking his cheeks in fresh tears.
Steph cried and cried, he couldn't stop.
The sound of someone knocking at the front door pulled him out of his dark thoughts.
Tired and exhausted, Steph walked to the door. As far as you could say 'walking' to his shuffling.
"Hey man, how are y-", Klay began as Steph opened the door but he didn't continue his sentence, because of the way Steph looked.
The sad facial expression, the red and wet eyes and the wet cheeks - Steph seemed so done with everything.

"What happened? Steph, are you okay?", Klay asked concerned while he walked in.
Steph didn't say a word, he just felt so numb.
Klay walked him to the couch. "Steph, what happened? Has LeBron done anything to you?", Klay asked.
"H-He d-didn't do a-anything", Steph croaked out while his legs began to shake.
Klay obviously didn't believe what Steph had said.
"Oh come on now, Steph! You seem like a fucking traumatized person!", Klay said, louder than usual.
Steph immediately jumped at the raise of Klay's voice, his eyes were glowing with fear.
Klay noticed that and immediately felt bad.
"Awh no, Steph. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice. Everything's fine", Klay said before he pulled the smaller man into a hug.

"It was too much. Everything that was going on was too much, Klay. The game tonight, the pressure, LeBron being angry and using me as his outlet for that", Steph said while wiping his tears away.
"Yeah. Do you want to exercise with me or would you rather not?", Klay asked.
"Y-Yeah, I'll go and get ready now", Steph said and got up.
Klay waited for ten minutes before Steph was ready.

The two men drove to the gym.
None of them talked that much during their workout.
Right before Steph was done, Klay asked him: "Hey man, don't you want to see a therapist or something? That stuff must be messin' with your psyche somehow."
Steph shrugged. "I don't know, maybe. But should I do couple therapy or not?", Steph asked and Klay shrugged.
"Whatever you feel like is best for you and your relationship with LeBron. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if he'd see a therapist as well. Y'know, a simple suggestion won't hurt him", Klay said.
"M'yeah", Steph said while the two men walked out of the building.

"I'm going to go and shower at my house now, then I'll try to suggest the therapist thing to LeBron. I'll see you tonight at the game", Steph said.
"Okay. Be careful, yeah? I don't want you to get hurt again", Klay said while looking deeply into the smaller man's eyes.
Steph nodded before the two hugged each other.
Back at home, Steph took a quick shower before he got dressed. He had an appointment to take care of today, a video-shoot with an ex-vine star. It was a commercial for a stream filter, which had a special Filter-As-You-Pour technology. Steph had done commercials for the Brita Stream before, but now they wanted to have him for another one again.
Steps were coming towards the bedroom in which Steph stood. The door swung open and there was LeBron, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"H-Hey babe", Steph said quietly. He couldn't look at LeBron right away, he needed a moment.
Steph turned around to face the taller man, who greeted him by simply nodding.
"I-I wanted to suggest something. Maybe it would hurt our r-relationship, if we could t-talk to a therapist. I don't know if you want to try out couple therapy, if not I'd just go see a therapist on my own", Steph began while playing with the car keys that were in his left hand.
LeBron sighed. "Look babe, it wasn't right to take my anger out on you. I apologize for that. And I think that your suggestion could actually help saving our relationship. I'd gladly go to couple therapy with you", LeBron spoke, his voice sounded calm and not aggressive.

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