.: Civil Marriage :.

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»I love him so much,
I'll never let him go.«

3 weeks later, Saturday.
LeBron was excited.
Over the last couple of weeks, the preparations had almost cost him all of his nerves and he was more than happy for one event to be over soon.
LeBron was putting on some cologne, he was almost done.
But Steph, on the other hand, wasn't. The two time MVP hadn't gotten that much sleep last night, which was why he wasn't that fast with putting on his suit.

"Come on now, Steph. Let's get going", LeBron said while he helped the smaller one with putting on his suit jacket.
While LeBron was making sure that Steph's tie was in the right place, the other man got lost in his eyes.
"Baby, you're breathtaking", Steph said.
Their eyes met, LeBron slowly let go of Steph.
"You're even more breathtaking, baby", LeBron responded, smiling softly at Steph.
LeBron placed a soft kiss on Steph's lips before the two finally were done with getting ready.

*Time skip - Civil marriages are hard to describe*

"Okay guys, here comes Draymond! Our beloved photographer!", Jonas Jerebko yelled as Draymond arrived, a camera from Canon in his hand.
LeBron and Steph were walking out of the building as Klay walked towards them.
"Congratulations guys! I'm so happy for y'all! It's photo time now", Klay said before he stepped aside so that Draymond could take some photos of the couple.
LeBron wrapped one arm around Steph, just like a couple at a premiere of some movie.
Steph turned around to LeBron, got up on his tippy toes a little bit and kissed LeBron passionately.
LeBron kissed back with all the love, that was still left inside of him.
Originally, he didn't want to fall too deep in love with Steph. He just wanted him as his little plaything, he wanted to control him. But now, he somehow had fallen deeper in love with the two time MVP.
Maybe their love had finally healed, just like their therapist had said it would.

"Okay LeBron, maybe you could pick Steph up. For the last photo", Draymond said and LeBron carefully picked his husband up.
Draymond snapped two photos before he was done and LeBron put Steph back down.
"Let's go and celebrate!", Steph said and the guests cheered.
The group drove back home, where Steph had prepared some food and drinks for the guests.

"My god Steph, did you seriously cook small portions of chicken curry for us? Damn, you're so extra", Draymond said with a smile on his face.
Steph smiled and sassily pretended to rip a wig off his head.
"Oh my god, Adam! I can't believe you've done this!", Steph quoted two of his favorite vines and Draymond couldn't help but giggle at that.
Klay joined them. "Ey guys! And, are you planning on hitting on Jerebko tonight or when did you plan on doing that?", Klay asked while he put one arm around Draymond's waist.
The darker man smiled shyly. "I think I'm going to go and talk to Jonas now", Draymond said.
"Yeah! To break the ice, you could talk about how fantastic this chicken curry is", Steph said with a cocky grin forming on his face.

Klay and Steph chatted for a while until LeBron joined their conversation.
"Hey baby", LeBron said, carefully wrapping one arm around Steph's waist.
Steph gave LeBron a kiss on his cheek. "Hey babe", he said.
"Damn, you two are the finest looking couple out there", Klay said and LeBron smiled, showing his perfect and white teeth.
"Honestly, you two are glowing. A strong power couple", Klay said and Steph smiled.
"Thanks, Klay", LeBron said before he let go of Steph's waist, giving him a kiss right before walking over to his teammates.

Draymond took a deep breath.
The plate with the almost completely finished chicken curry was shaking a bit in his right hand because he was so nervous.
"Hey, Jonas! And, are you enjoying the party?", Draymond asked while he walked up to the 2,08 meters tall basketball player.
Jonas turned around, he also had a plate in his right hand.
"Hey, Dray! Yeah, I'm enjoying the party, hopefully, you're enjoying it as well", he said and Draymond almost molt at the perfect smile that Jonas was giving him.
"Yeah, I am. Man, this chicken curry is delicious", he said while taking a fork full of the food.
"I agree, dude. Steph really outdid himself with this one", Jonas said while he also took a fork full of his food.
The two finished eating their meal, they both couldn't take their eyes off each other.
After they were done, Jonas offered to take Draymond's plate to the kitchen, since he wanted to take his plate there.
But Draymond refused and said, that he wanted to do that himself.
So the both brought their plates into the kitchen.

Jonas placed the plates in the dishwasher.
"You're looking extra fine today, Dray", Jonas complimented after he had closed the door of the dishwasher.
At this moment, Draymond thanked God once again for him being unable to blush.
"Aww, thanks! That's so nice of you! You're looking like a spicy snack yourself, Jonas", Dray said and he could swear to God that Jonas was blushing at that compliment.
Suddenly, Jonas walked closer towards Draymond.
The smaller one could feel the cold metal of the fridge on his shoulders.
Jonas placed his left hand next to Draymond's head.

"I- I really like you, Jonas. Like, I really like you a lot. And I have a c-", Draymond began, but a soft pair of lips on his own cut him off.
"I've had a crush on you since the first time I saw you shoot a basketball through a hoop", Jonas said, his eyes were glowing.
Draymond's eyes were glowing as well.
"Goddamn you're so perfect, Jonas", Draymond breathed out and Jonas smirked. "That comes from Mr. Handsome himself", he said before their lips collided again.

Steph and Klay were on their way to the kitchen, Klay wanted another glass of wine.
Just as the two men were walking into the kitchen, Jonas' hand was sliding down on Draymond's upper body.
"Yo, Dray's at it", Steph whispered before he took the wine bottle from the kitchen island and quietly left again, not wanting to disturb his two teammates.
"I'm not kidding, the two were making out in front of the fridge", Steph said as he was pouring the red liquid into Klay's wine glass.
"Aww man, I'm so happy for Dray. They are very cute together, hopefully, they'll get together", Klay said and Steph nodded.

This civil marriage party was something else.
But Steph wouldn't want to have it any other way.

(Wortcount: 1130 words)

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