.: True love? :.

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It was true looooveeee!
The Pizzaboy was long gone, only you were there.
All alone, together forever.
He's crying! F*ck!
His heart broke into pieces!
You didn't even want to dance with him,
I'm going to call you 'enemy' from this day on.«

Monday morning, 9 am.
Steph originally didn't want to hurry up with getting dressed, but after he had read Klay's message he couldn't wait to get ready.
After he was done with showering, he put on his under armour workout clothes.
Before leaving his house, Steph gave LeBron a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you, honey", he whispered softly and, if he wasn't tripping, he could see a smile on LeBron's face.

The clock stroke 10 am as Steph arrived at the park, where he and Klay wanted to meet up.
"Hey, Steph! How are ya doin'?", Klay said as he walked towards his friend.
The two hugged each other. "I'm doing splendid, my dude. What about you?", Steph said as the two let go of each other.
"I'm doing great. Oh, did LeBron gift you that ring?", Klay asked as he passed Steph the ball.
"Yeah, he umm, he proposed to me last night", Steph said before he dribbled the ball.
"Oh what, he proposed to you? Damn, that's a big step, but I'm happy for you", Klay said before Steph passed him the ball and he threw it through the hoop.

The two men took a short break.
"And when is the wedding?", Klay asked.
"I don't know yet. We need to get married civilly first, but I already have an idea of what the wedding is going to look like", Steph answered and Klay nodded.
"We'll definitely both wear suits. At first, I was like "yeah, I'm going to wear a dress, like a bride, just for a good joke" but nah, scratch that. I'm going to wear a suit, a blue one", Steph said as he looked at the ring.
"And who do you want to invite?", Klay asked, knowing that this was a difficult question.
"My family. Seth, Sydel, everybody. And you of course. I want to invite our teammates and our coach Steve. Don't know who LeBron is going to invite yet, probably his family and friends. Don't know about his teammates though", Steph said before the two got up and went in for the second round of basketball.

LeBron had organized almost everything for the civil marriage. Since he had been planning the proposal and everything for a long time, it wasn't surprising that he was almost done with the preparations.
The only thing he didn't fully prepare yet was the church marriage.
Well, LeBron really expected Steph to say yes.
This might come as a shock after what he had done, but in case you haven't noticed - Steph went in a kind of submissive state. Not only when LeBron demanded from him to call him 'daddy', no. After LeBron had hit Steph, Steph felt like it was his fault and the least he could do to apologize was to stay with LeBron.
And that's what he did.
LeBron proposed to Steph not because he truly loved him, it was rather the fact that he had control over Steph now.
With a marriage, LeBron could bind Steph to himself. Financially and emotionally.
Bribing Steph into believing the idea of LeBron truly loving Steph wasn't that hard, a few nice presents here and a few fancy dinners there.

Well, that was kind of LeBron's plan.
He does love Steph, but not as purely and innocently as at the beginning.
His need for control and dominance had put dust and dirt all over his love for Steph, which was also the reason why he felt like he could just do that to Steph.
It was twisted, it was sick - LeBron knew that. He wanted to do something about it, but at the same time, he didn't.
So he just went with what he had planned for now. One could always get a divorce and disappear.

Klay and Steph were at Klay's place now, Steph had taken a shower at his house before he drove to Klay's place.
"And when are you going to celebrate your bachelor party?", Klay asked while he put a towel over his shoulder.
The two men made their way to Klay's pool, which was outside right next to the lawn.
"As soon as I know when the church wedding will take place", Steph said and the two men went in the pool.
The cool water was really nice after an intense game of basketball.
After the two had been in the water for some time, Klay decided to now ask Steph a question which he had wanted to ask him for quite a while: "Umm Steph, I'd like to ask you a question. The relationship with you and LeBron - Does it feel like true love?"
Steph stopped drying himself with the towel for a second, the question came out of the blue.
"Huh, well we've had a rough start. But I love LeBron dearly and I never ever want to leave him", Steph said before he continued to dry himself with the towel.

It didn't take Steph long to put on the extra clothes that he brought with him to Klay's place.
It was 3 pm now and Steph couldn't wait to head back home to his soon-to-be husband.
After giving Klay a long hug, he waved him goodbye.
"It was nice hanging out with you today", Klay said as Steph walked down the driveway.
"Yeah, I enjoyed it too. See you tomorrow at practice", Steph said before he entered his car and started the engine.
Klay continued to wave as Steph drove away.

Back at home, LeBron was cooking dinner.
He had made some rice with curry and a few vegetables as a side dish.
Steph joined him in the kitchen after he had put on his pajamas.
"Hey baby", Steph said while he carefully wrapped his arms around LeBron's waist.
"Hey sweetiepie. Dinner's ready now", LeBron said.
The two sat down at the dinner table and ate their dinner.
While they were eating, LeBron told Steph about his day. That he was almost ready with the marriage preparations. The only thing that wasn't ready yet was the preparations for their bachelor parties.

But that was a worry for another day.
Tomorrow night was game time against the Charlotte Hornets, which Steph was very excited about.
For today, the couple just wanted to call it a day.

(Wortcount: 1097 words)

Ooofff, this chapter is such a 'big yikes'-chapter. :/ :/
But hey, at least I got one done today.
Song lyrics at the top are from "3er" by Willboy.

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