.: Making him submit :.

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»Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me.
Hunnid deep when I roll like the army.
Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely.
It's a moment, when I show up, got 'me sayin', "Wow".«

Wednesday, 11 am.
Klay and Steph were working out as their life depended on it.
Half an hour later, the two were done.
"Ooof Klay, we killed these one and a half hours!", Steph said excitedly, giving his friend a high-five.
"Yeah bro, we went mad today", Klay said, smiling at the smaller man.
"C'mon, let's take a shower. I'll see you later at your place", Steph said and with that, the two men went separate ways.

Steph pulled up in front of his garage at his house.
He exited the car and walked to the front door.
Before he entered the bathroom, Steph turned on some music on his music box.
The warm water ran down on his well-trained body.
After Steph was done with showering and drying himself, he put on a pair of shorts and a red shirt.
He threw a quick look at his phone's clock - 12:40.
"Shoot, almost 1 pm", Steph mumbled before he unplugged his phone, slid it into his shorts' left pocket, grabbed his keys and left the house.

At 1 pm, Steph arrived at Klay's house.
As he walked up to the driveway, Klay's oldest daughter almost ran him over.
"Steph!", she exclaimed, hugging the light-skinned man tightly.
"Nancy, nice to see you again", Steph said, smiling softly.
"Steph!", another voice exclaimed, it was Klay's second and youngest daughter.
She ran over to the NBA-Star and since she was so small, she hugged his right leg tightly.
Steph smiled. He couldn't wait to be a dad one day, so he'd get to enjoy this every time he'd get back home.

Klay walked down the driveway.
"Nancy, Naomi, c'mon let Steph go. He still has to get up here", Klay said joyfully and Steph looked up to him.
"Hey Klay, my brother", Steph said, smiling happily at the taller man.
"C'mon Naomi, do what your dad said and let me go, please", Steph said and the girl with the hazelnut brown eyes let his right leg go.
Steph took both of their hands and walked up the rest of the driveway to the front door of Klay's house.
The two men hugged each other before they all walked inside the house.
"Do you want something to drink?", Klay asked, being the attentive and polite man that he was.
"Ah no, thanks bro", Steph said, waving his hand dismissively.

The two girls ran into the living room and sat down on the soft carpet.
Naomi sat down in front of Nancy and the older one began to brush her sisters' curly brown hair.
"'Naww, look at them", Klay said, smiling at the sight of his daughters.
"Yeah, they're so lovely", Steph said, smiling as well.
"Baby, do we have visitors?", a soft voice spoke. Steph turned his head to the stairs behind him.
The two men still stood in the kitchen that was connected to the living room.
"Yes, Steph Curry is here", Klay announced.
In the matter of a few minutes, Klay's wife came from downstairs.
She was wearing a red dress, golden high heels and she had red lipstick on.
"Hello Tatyana", Steph greeted Klay's wife, who smiled at him.
"Hello Steph, nice to see you", Tatyana said and the two shook hands.
Tatyana gave Klay a peck on his lips before she walked over to her kids.

"Yeah, Tatyana is taking Nancy to her tennis practice now", Klay explained.
Steph nodded.
"C'mon sweetie, we have to leave now. You can play with your sister when you get back", Tatyana said to her daughter, who didn't want to leave.
Nancy pouted, but she got up, gave her sister a kiss on her forehead and walked to the entrance of the house.
Tatyana walked to Klay, gave him another kiss and said: "I'm leaving now. See you later, baby. Goodbye Steph, it was nice seeing you again."
Steph waved at the two. "Goodbye Tatyana, by Nancy", he said.
"C'mon mommy, I want to go now", Nancy whined, getting impatient.
Klay smiled as the two were leaving the house. "She's just like I was as a kid", Klay said.

The two men were sitting on the couch, talking about the games that they had ahead of them when Steph got a phone call.
"Who could this be now?", Steph mumbled while picking up.
"Hey, Steph! Just wanted to call and ask when you're free today", a soft but loud voice spoke - LeBron James.
"Eh, I'm free later at 4, is that good?", Steph said in a questioning tone.
LeBron smiled, even though Steph couldn't see it.
"Good. Have you been a good boy for me?", he asked and Steph scoffed inside his head.
"Y-Yes, I have", Steph stuttered.
"Nah-ah, what's that, baby boy?", LeBron asked Steph could feel the darker man's pointer finger lifting up his chin.
"I've been a good boy, daddy", Steph said, trying to swallow the 'daddy'.
But Klay heard it anyway.

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