.: Different versions of Steph?! :.

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»Struggle with it every day,
it's like an illness.
I just sit and lie awake,
I'm on some real sh*t.
Looking for a great escape,
might jump off a building.
Just tell me what to do.
Tell me if you love me,
if you don't then cut me loose.
'Cause I'm stuck in my brain again.
I'm stuck in my brain again.«

Monday, practice time.
Steph was having a good time at practice with his teammates, regardless of his body being sore.
Klay had asked him about the busted lip a couple of times, but Steph always said, that he was sleepwalking last night. He lied about tripping over something and somehow his lip got busted in the process.
Obviously, Klay didn't believe Steph, but he didn't want to annoy him with his questions.

After practice, Klay wanted to invite Steph over to his house.
"Sorry Klay, I need to get back home now. I've also got a therapy appointment today, and LeBron wanted to see me before that", Steph said and Klay nodded.
"Okay, but I'll see you tomorrow", Klay said and Steph smiled. "Of course", he said.
Before Steph arrived at his car, Shaun Livingston ran up to him.
"H-Hey Steph! I wanted to apologize because of what happened at that afternoon at Dray's again", Shaun said, looking down at his hands and then back to Steph.
Steph patted Shaun's shoulder. "Man, everything's 'aight. No need to worry about that anymore", Steph said with a smile on his lips, which relaxed the older man.
Steph put Shaun's chin up with his right pointer finger.
"Seriously Shaun, everything's good. You don't need to worry that pretty little head of yours about that anymore", Steph said and he received a warm smile from Shaun.
"I'll see you around, bye", Shaun said before walking away.
"Bye", Steph breathed out, thanking god yet again for his inability to blush.

Steph drove back home.
He quickly made his way to the bathroom, completely ignoring LeBron in the kitchen.
After he was done with showering and getting dressed, he looked at the clock on his phone.
He walked into the kitchen, where LeBron was.
"Le- Daddy, we need to leave for our therapy session now, it's almost 4 pm. I needed to settle it 2 hours back, because of practice and stuff", Steph said and LeBron got up.
The two entered LeBron's car and drove the therapist's office.

"Hello! I'm glad to see you two again", Ms. Lancy said with a smile as they all sat down around the round wooden table, that stood inside of Ms. Lancy's office.
She pulled out a pen and a few sheets of paper.
"Now, let's get started. Did anything happen between you two since the last appointment?", Ms. Lancy asked.
The two men didn't say anything.
"Huh, I'm taking from your silence that something did happen", Ms. Lancy said, looking up from her notes.
"Mr. Curry, please explain what happened", Ms. Lancy said, giving Steph an encouraging smile.

After Steph had told her what happened a few days ago and what LeBron did to him, Ms. Lancy needed a second to take all of it in.
"Okay Steph, now tell me why you kissed Shaun. You obviously know that you're a married man, so why did you kiss him?", Ms. Lancy asked, getting ready to write everything down.
"I kissed him because I didn't want to look like a total loser. I wanted to do the Dare to show my teammates, that I didn't mind kissing a teammate of mine, even though I'm married. I don't know why I thought that was okay. Maybe because it was Truth or Dare and I-", Steph explained, but LeBron cut him off.
"Oh yeah, and that excuses kissing a man that isn't your husband? Huh?", LeBron asked, but it wasn't really a question.
Steph nodded shyly, mentally preparing himself to get slapped.

"Well, it felt good to kiss Shaun. I felt so secure. He even held onto my waist, which deepened the kiss. That was why I went in for a French kiss. I'm starving and love is my food. And since LeBron didn't really give me enough of that, I took it from somewhere else", Steph said, ending his explanation.
Ms. Lancy was writing everything down.
"B-But then daddy saw and got mad. He punished me all day for my mistake, he even made me wear a pink collar. I- I love you so much daddy, please don't leave me", Steph stuttered before he fell to knees in front of LeBron.
His fingers began to tug at the golden zipper of LeBron's dark blue pants.
"Oh Steph, would you cut it? We're in public and not at home,", LeBron hissed as he slightly slapped Steph's hand.
The younger man immediately stopped tugging at the zipper of LeBron's pants and came closer to his crotch.
He rested his hands on LeBron's thighs.

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