If the mind drains its knowledge by the stupidity of itself, then our lives would be no better than it is right now. The motto of highschool was to be oneself not to be what others label you to be. I mean I was named anus. How better could my life even gotten. I roam the halls of the Hutch Tech highschool every morning looking for a beauty in life. It all started in the fall of 2015 the beginning of my highschool year. I was just a freshman, junior and seniors we're the skyscrapers of the building. My hair was laid, I used gel to fix up my edge up. That brought an embarrassment to my life into the later years.
It was the beginning of a new start, I was a bit shocked might I say the highschool that are portrayed in the movies are definitely not the same ones as the one in reality. Yeah sure there was still dances and proms and pep- rallies but the massive bully who shove the geeks in the locker and the jocks and the three most popular girls weren't at present at my sight. No doubt that nerds existed, I mean who else would the low esteem kids cheat off, or the kids who think they got it all. But my mindset at the time was simple. get money fuck bitches. That's what I believed would get me through highschool.
I remember my first period class was English, the teacher was amazing, she was a laid back young understanding English teacher, I had my best friend Ezra in the room which I didn't even made eye contact with prior to entering the room.The class wasn't big and the people looked fairly nice. I remember a dude named Moises, always came late smelled like marijuana half of the time, but the dude was pretty smart. HIs actions just spoke louder than his words. But it wasn't till 5th period class transitioning when highschool really began to feel like highschool to me. I've seen a 4ft 11 inch girl with long hair amazing smile walked past by me. Her name was Nicki and she stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on her. My mind created a barrier where my focus was blocked by my feelings. The rest of the day was only a blur to me.
The next morning around breakfast time I asked my friends if any of them heard of a female by the name of Nicki. All eyebrows raised but one. "Yea I've heard of her" Axel said. Well what the actual fuck man she is amazingly beautiful." I exaggerated. Yea I know. " Axel said with a grin. "
My other friend jumped in the convo. "Bro you've been in highschool for 24 hours you already claiming love. " He said. I looked at the light and said. "It's different man" It's fucking different.
And just as I was bout to get up to throw my breakfast out I see Nicki from the corner of my eyes entering the building. I froze, it's like my life was paused. I looked more retarded than I was stupid. She glanced at me with a confused face. I kept smiling at her.
I looked back at axel and told him" bruh you got to hook me up". I got you " he responds. I went up to my homeroom 315 and started writing about her. By the time the bell rang for the first period a novel was written. I was stupidly in love.
Lunch was around the corner as a freshman we were given the earliest lunch about 10:40. And I memorize that Axel had living environment with Nicki. So during my lunch time while my friends were enjoying their crappy school lunch and irrelevant conversation about anime, I was writing a love note to my crush. It read.
" Your eyes flashes while the room maintain dark. Long hair with a pretty smile.
My thoughts could never be blurr because of the clear sky. Rain evaporates but your heart lies. If I can hug you it would be a love upon a star. Where I can reach and kiss you with an open arm. My heart beats with steady, loving and kind. Could it be love at first site.
For the beauty I see that I can't fight.
If love ask questions do not deceive for the truth is the answers I only believe.if my heart should open love do not fear or if my eyes in happiness shed a tear."
I gave the letter to axel and told him to give it to her. That if she said anything that he should report to me. My heart started to Pace irregularly, I was very nervous but I needed that answer or I'll never know how she feels. At dismissal I stood right in front of Axle locker just waiting for an answer or something. Axel comes to his locker few minutes later and my heart again started to Pace but faster and louder now. It's like what he was saying was unclear to me. Then he shook me and said. Hey bro are u listening. I said yeah. He said. " She said she barely knows you and even if she did you wouldn't be her type.
And that's when my heart broke. Now my heart is broken pacing very fast and my eyes are watering but didn't show it. I just smiled it off and grabbed my book bag and left the building. I would've taken the bus but she took the same bus as me and facing her at a time like that would just be so embarrassing to me and so dead. I went home to my sister asking how is high school I said I don't like it. I rushed in my room thinking what the hell. Why did I just made a fool of myself.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.