Coming to America was a hound for me, seen alot of new things, met alot of weird people, hated alot of stuff. One thing I couldn't stand was dogs. I hate them ever since i arrived to this country all I've encountered was them. I remember walking in the streets of Chicago, going to school and getting chased by dogs every day.
I moved out of Chicago and three years later my baby brother was born. About the age of four I say I was at the park with him, and he got attacked by this little small dog but bigger than him so I couldn't imagine the fear he felt. I try getting the dog off of him but that little bastard wouldn't let go. His owner came and try to pull him off and that's when he got off. I grabbed my brother and ran him right in the house. Lucky that was a baby dog his teeth wasn't that devolped to hurt my brother. Maybe little scratch marks but nothing dangerous.
Few years later I was walking by my school when a big dog came and attacked me, luckily my big brother came across me and took the dog off me. The dog resisted and kept hurting my brother violently. My brother had no choice but the hit the dog with. Big rod metal that was beside him. The dog died.
His owner came and called the police on us because we killed his dog. My brother was thrown in jail for animal abuse although it was self defense and the owner of the dog sued us for emotional distress. We came about the court three weeks later, at that time my brother was already released.
It was I the witness my brother the defendant and the dog owner the plantiff. The owner went on ranting about how his dog was his life, his baby and that he helped him relief the stress. My brother told the judge that the dog was attacking me and that it left me scratch marks and that it attacked him leaving him a bite mark, give the judge a proof of what the dog did. After going back and forth the judge decided to rule in our favor as self defense and the plantiff had to pay $1000 in medical bill.
Ever since that day I won't come close to a dog, I try to stay away as far as I can from dogs. People think I'm still scared of dogs but the seeing of a dog just reminds me of that terrifying moment in my life. I hat dogs.

I am Reality
ComédieSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.