I grew up in a diverse city, diverse schools and all my friends are from all around the world. Different religions, languages and cultures. Tech high is the most diversed school I've ever stepped foot on. I seen so much Asians, Arabs, Bengalis, Africans, Americans, Hispanics, the school is the best place to explore the world in one building.
Religion is a matter of freedom, and some of the Islamic girls were looked through proficiency, like we know she can't do this or can't do that, maybe can't talk to boys or can't even date. I've been always informed that Islamic girls aren't allowed to wear pants, came to Tech I am corrected, they can't talk to boys, came to Tech I am corrected, but you know beauty is understood incorrectly in the Islamic faith, one of my friends told me I can't never see my self with a Muslim girl, I said why not, he said that thing around their head just don't look attractive enough, hijab you mean I said, yea hijab he said.
I said your wrong. I was at the school library at the time and a girl by the name of Anika passed right by me. Had a hijab on, so beautiful her eyes were big and aqua, I said friends hold that thought. I point to her I said she looks ugly to you, he said I don't know man like why that thing on her head, I said that's the beauty of it.
You know imagine everyone was the same, what kind of world would we be living in, not a good one. Anika was insanely beautiful, I had a girl from Yemen who I asked to hook her up with me, the girls said I am not Bengali but I'm sure she does speak English so I'll try. By the way that Islamic girl was dating my Hispanic best friend

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.