In the twenty first century sexuality is openly expressed. Although ignorance still exist there are more people accepting of people sexuality regardless of their faith, race and nationality. Now i am not gay and I am not an ignorant person but there is a limit to where harassment is met. You annoy me and I might call you a faggot. The word faggot is not commonly used as a friendly phrase but in this century faggot can have a million meanings. Depending on how a person use it.
There is people who exist who take offense in every words that has to do with sexual orientation. You need to understand that just because you are gay doesn't mean you can press a non gay person to adapt to your sexuality to make a point or because you like them. It is uncomfortable and it is harassment. Richard guard, a friend of mine since childhood education. He wasn't born gay and he wasn't gay either till he understood himself. In the third through sixth grade he used to date a female name Mya Dabney. Their chemistry was wild, he didn't appear to be gay to me because toung waddling each other in gym class. Around the sixth grade when he broke up with mya I saw another side of Richard, but we still remained friends.
He was slowly transitioning to this feminine side of him. Painting nails, hair changing, hanging with just the girls. Ladies man right, I thought so too. About half way through the school year he was assigned next to me. I thought we can get along like old buddies but he was showing something else. He would touch my thighs and just rubb them. Looked at him like what the fuck is wrong with him. But nay I kept my silence to myself. Couple weeks in before he'd sit on his char which was like right next to mine he purposely sit on my lap first and says. 'oops sorry didn't see that."
Throughout time I realize what he was doing and finally informed him. "Richard I'm not into that stuff." We'll you'll never know until you try it right" he responded. "No seriously I'm not into that stuff." He lied low after our talk but just few weeks later. He start getting a belt and would spank me everytime I get up to sharpen my pencil. And when I returned he'd place his hands on my cock. I jumped up and said hell no. The next day early in the morning I took my teacher outside to report the incident. I told him. "I need you to place me somewhere else Richard is sexually harassing me, and I'm not into that stuff if he touch me one more time I'm beating his ass". The teacher said "alright." When the bell rang for the first period. Mr. K told me to move to the front. And that was the end of that.
Came eighth grade he changed his whole gender. Became a transgender woman. Now I didn't had no problem with it but when it came to eighth grade graduation he proposed to wear a dress and the principal wouldn't allow it. He was a good friend but he stepped out of the line.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.