As a child I was expose to nudity in a way where at this point in life it's normal to me. It was the Christmas of 05, Chicago Illinois, I was at my bedroom window watching the Christmas carol being sang from door to door. Bout fifteen minutes later two people walk into the neighborhood park, they started kissing and enjoying their selves.
Next thing I knew clothes were coming off and on person is being laid in the ground. The female started to moaning and by the time the adultery action came into place my mother has seen me watching and dragged me off the window. "No." She says. "Bad" she locks the window and tells me to go to sleep.
The next day while she at work, me and my female friend Angely who lives across from me. Went in the backyards and try to reanact what was going on the night of Christmas. I began by taking my clothes off than she took her clothes. After that we didn't know what to do because at that time my momma told me to go to sleep. So I told her to lay down and we just were on top of each other for minute trying to figure out what was next. By the time we could my sister caught us. And said, "
hey wat are you guys doing" we hopped right up and I begged my sister to not tell no one. She sat there thinking but eventually said if she wouldn't tell I was gonna have to do her chores Few seconds later the girl mother came and started screaming grabbed her daughter and screamed at my sister. Couple weeks later they moved and that was the last sight seeing of Angely.
My mom figured out eventually because one day I got my sister pretty mad, and she snitched on me. I got a good whooping and couldn't come outside for a week. I've learned my lesson of to never repeat what other do. "Monkey see Monkey do." Can get you grounded for a week.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.