Fights are pretty normal in middle and high schools, it's one of the biggest highlights and memory of schools, specially if it's over petty stuff. I remember in the sixth grade sitting on the cafeteria table eating lunch peacefully. Across from me are bilingual students, who speak Spanish and English. I can't hear what they are saying but I can see what could be going on.
There was a big fat kid like over 200 pounds and a skinny pencil shaped kid that was sitting across from him. The two looked like they were in an argument. Laughing one second and argument the second. In matter of a second as I put the milk carton to my mouthz the big kid walks all the way around the table to the skinny kid and pund on his back with his fist. The skinny kid sitting down taking the punches. Soon as the big kid return back to his seat the skinny kid has already been charged with anger and he storms to the fact kid and they start fighting.
About a minute into the fight the new assistant principal Mrs. Smith, the horse looking lady walks in the fight and try to stop it. She calls for help because this fat kid won't get off this skinny kid and the art teacher comes and help separate them. Me and my friends were just staring dying of laughter. We were improvising the fight as to what could it be about that they were fighting for.I improvised it as the fat kid wanted the skinny kids lunch and the skinny kid wouldn't give his lunch up so the fat kid came and ran up to the skinny kid back punching him while stating. "Give me your lunch. My friend Ezra improvised it as the skinny kid promised the fat kid that he'd get the fat kid his grandma delicious cooki and the skinny kid failed to bring it to him so the fat kid got mad and start pounding on the skinny kid back. We continued to die of laughter.
A period in after the lunch I asked a buddy of mine who is in that class to what Happened. He said that the fat kid was talking shit about the skinny kids mother. And then the skinny kid roasted him back so bad that the fat kid got angry that he we started pounding on the skinny kids back. I responded "Ahhh" and walked away with laughter.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.