Blood is thicker than water it's non-negotiable, but as clear as water is, you will learn to experience even the closest allies are your toughest enemies. Specially in the cultural circle, whether you are African, Arab, or any foreign decent you will know family are to watch over to as well. Your secret will go beyond what you expect even as little as the crime or "statement of action is" it is something you should be watching of.
I wouldn't able to tell you her name but I definitely would be able to tell you about her wrong actions. For the reasons she did it I don't know but to assume she was insecure and was put to peer pressure. And that I blame these so called "groupchats" that are being formed on social media. She was only fourteen, her mother weeped in my house to the grown women who sat before her. "she embarrassed" she cried.
"She slept with her own brother and gotten pregnant from him" now I don't know about how the family cycle go but to sleep with your own fleshing is beyond a disgusting matter and for that matter her mother was embarrassed. She cried for weeks, I heard over the phone calls my mother had with her. She was the scum of the earth. Now this girl was young but she definitely knew what she was doing. I remember meeting her and her baby once, cute kid but the creation behind it was a slap on the face.
God can only think much, but even then he created this child for only true miracle that is possessed by him. She smiled at me and said. "Hi cousin" I'm standing and through my mind thinking I cannot associate my self with a female who slept with her own brother." I didn't even know we were cousins." "You want to hold my baby" she said "sure" I said. I picked up the baby and looked him right in the and learned to his ears and whispered." It is not your fault." Do you know growing up how much that kid can be bullied if he is asked how did your parents came about. In family gathering.
I felt sorry for him. The mother kept talking to me knowingly that I don't want to speak with her. That was the first time a tear dropped from eyes because of holding a baby. Tiny head, so light beautiful I wanted one of my own. I am sixteen at this time and that is what I was thinking.
Few days laters my mom set up a family meeting with my two sisters and I and said " Don't ever embarrass me like the way that girl did to her mom, that is humiliating and just wrong." I couldn't agree with my mom more, but I hate talking bout what if's I just don't expect that to happen and never will. Her story went viral in the African community cultural and forever left a mark. The girl is not taken seriously and I am sure she's having hard time finding that person.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.