I am an unusual being, my world is divided into two dimensions, the life of normal and inormal, yes I made the word inormal but it's true. The way I present myself at home is a whole lot then the way I present myself in school. At home I am this serious, straight talking person that my mother want me to be.
At school I'm a fool and a clown, usually make people laugh but at most annoy the hell out of people. Specially the females. Inside my heart I am big. I care for others and really hate dispute of violence, why can't everyone just get along. If that was the case the Cain wouldn't murder is brother Abel am I right. First murder so the world Is forever cursed. Through the use of social media I've created a different version of me. The dick, romantic but asshole version of me.
When I'm talking to a girl I try to show her the best version of me, get to know her she slowly realize how much of an asshole I am. Some relizes it some just don't care. The better of me tells me, all I want is a good life. A life where I care for no one esle but the woman I love and my friends. I don't want the hood life, or the rich life, or the disappointed life. I am a whole eighteen years old messing with fifteen year olds, three years younger but feel so old.
I forget I'm dealing with immature females and that I'm setting my heart for a break and I can't bare no more heartbreaks. I'm a loser, who thinks better of himself. And I can't even imagine what these girls thinking like bruh, why are you talking to me you are a whole eighteen years old. So they keep a distance.
I keep mine, few weeks later, she's back to keep a friend in lock. Friendzone what they call it. Then I fall into a depression, but my better side wakes up in a few days and repeats it with another female. Never been the lucky one to find the right one. YET

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.