The first love I ever felt I met in the second grade, she was an Asian decent and a recent foreign who escape from her mother country because of a civil war, her name was Hser Nagay Paw. She spoke no English at all. But I somehow connected with her.
My teacher Ms. Crosby would always set us up in teams and she'd always told me to teach her some new words. And through the school year she started to learn more English words and we started to talk in English. I was so excited that I taught someone how to speak English that I started tutoring her more. The more I tutor the more I fell for her. In the next grade year "third grade" she started felt comfortable with me and we used to trade movies and even games.
I always wondered if she ever liked me. In the middle of the school year there was this Turkish kid name Yakub who sway her. She loved him, he liked her and just like that they've dated. My heart was nearly broken in pieces and this went on for two straight years. Watching my girl kissing another dude, hugging him telling him she "loves him" the things young love make you say." I try to find a way to bully him out her life so one day at Boston Massachusetts Marathon there were a terrorist incident, two Islamic Turkish guys bombed a marathon.
They killed almost 20 people and injured even more. When that incident happened i'd always called Yakub a Boston bomber getting the other kids to make fun of him as well. That didn't work, it just made her hate me more. Yakub eventually left by the six grade. By that time I already told her how I felt and how much I loved her. Valentine of that year the weirdest thing happened. In the middle of class time. Hser yells out "ONIS YOU WANT TO GO OUT " i stood stunned, the teacher looked back and told me "well what is the answer Onis" I was so soaken wet in my arms I didn't even spoke.
I wrote a letter to her saying yes. She got so excited that the end of the day she kissed me. She was so mature than I was. I asked why'd you do it. She said "do what" I said why'd you ask me now." "Because I know how hard was for you to see the girl you loved dating your bestfriend." Oh yea I forgot to mention Yakub was a bestfriend. We went out about for year by seventh grade in the beginning of the year he asked me something.
She asked me if I could carry a baby for her, in those exact words. "Onis, would you carry a baby or me" i looked at her so confused I said what do you mean. " She says I want to have a baby with you. Mind you we were only 14. I said "no I can't do that, I'ma kid myself." "I thought you loved me" she said "I do. I responded. She broke down and as I hugged her i just felt guilt in my heart but I loved her so bad.
"Some day" I told her. Few months later I started hearing rumors that "bro your girlfriend is pregnant." I didn't want to believe it because I knew it wasn't true. Then few weeks later she told me her self and as she was telling me, my heart raced like a thousand horses on a track, my heart broken all I wanted to do was cry. She told me I'm sorry and that she really wanted a baby. That's when I felt my whole life crashing from Alpha to Omega.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.