Growing up as teenager was a thrill, specially the petty games we used to play as a class, one of the best one is known as slap ass Friday. I was introduced to slapp ass Friday around the fourth grade, we knew it was wrong but the girls didn't nay to it. So the boys prepared about three days prior to the Friday. We told the girls that this Friday will be Friday.
The girls talked and went beyond their way taking about ,"no nigga going to slapp my ass, I won't allow it, I will punch him. Few days later the time as arrived. The first slapp occured in English class. The teacher was in the hallway chatting with some other teacher when a boy name Luis slapped a girl name Carla on the ass. "omg Luis wow " she said. Then throughout the day the slap went on. Around 7th period the class went to the library and we were learning about an author, when the librarian looked away a buddy of mine nae Yusif slapped the shit out of this Asian girls ass. She turned around and slapped his face back.
Granted there were dikes around our age at the grade level, and they were slapping girls ass too. The girls didn't mind when the dikes did it but when the guys did it they got mad. I remember this one kid slapped this one fine ass girl, I mean she was a four grader with a booty of a 12th grader. This boy slapped her ass so bad her underwear almost fell off. She cried and ran to the principal. So about a period later the assistance principal walks in our class taking about "slap ass Friday".
He informed us that if we continued that he will suspend anyone who engage in such action. His rules were not followed. I mean he was talking to bunch of fourth graders his speech came in one year and went out the other. At the time I haven't slapped no one ass yet. I was afraid I might get suspended. Like getting suspended for fighting is one thing. But calling your mom to tell her that you got suspended for slapping a female ass, that wasn't going to end well. But I had my fair share. On the 8th period we had a substitute because our teacher had to leave for an emergency. I took that time to slapp a girl ass.
So I slapped this one fat girl name Mya ass. And when I tell you I regret that shit, I put it on my grave. When I slapped that girl ass a wave of dust came forth my way. All I saw was white pouder sprouting out of her ass, I jumped backwards. I said "mya what the fuck is in your ass bro" "baby powder" she responded" I was like hell nahh, that baby powder got all in my face and it smell like ass so I don't know what your goal was to put baby powder in your ass but it ain't working." She got an attitude with me and walked away from me. "Please" i uttered. Then the next my friend dared me to slapp this other girl ass. I was like no problem. I went up to her as the sub was distracted and "WAM" and slapped that ass, and the bitch farted in my face.
I felt so unlucky, how come everyone else slapping asses nothing happens but when I slapped dust and gass is released on me. Since then I didn't participate in slapp ass Friday till the 8th grade. This time I was careful. I went up to this girl and before I can slapp her ass, she bend down I walked back said to my self. "Oh no. Closed my eyes and wished for the best. As I walked back to her and try to slapp her ass I see an ass crack. Now ass crack should only be skin. This girl had a jungle on her ass crack I'm talking hairl everywhere if you'd look down into her panties you'll be divergent, lost. I decided to abort the mission and go on about my day.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.