About a few weeks later I am called down to the office to be given an award and a trophies. I am filled with confusion and words. Mrs. Crosby approaches to me and said. "Honey your latter to santa clause was a very funny letter but the writing was beautiful and very interesting."
I placed it in a writing competition and you've won." I smiled "really" "Yea" she responded. She handed me an envelope in hand. "What is sit? I asked. $2000, you've won $2000. I went home to my mom and when I showed her the $2000 she felt blessed. My hard work made her think she was blessed. With the $2000 of course I've gotten the guitar Santa owed me and the game console and the rest of the money went back to my mom.
After that writing competition i fell in love with writing, I kept writing and writing to the fact that I ended up being great writer. Every writing assignment in school I would get an A+. Writing became a part of my life. Around the six grade my house began to be a drama house. My sisters and my mom would always argue and my stepfather and my mom would always argue and fight. I felt like I was living hell. We had nothing, no internet no cable, all we had a was the antenna thing that you hook up the tv with to watch local channels.
I began writings fantasy stories for me to escape from reality. Books like "Spiders on Edge" "Beetles Dawn" and my favorite one "School Boy Eric". I worked on school boy Eric for about two years, during my seventh and eighth grade years. My English teacher Mr. Hales acted as my mentor helping through grammar and words of choice. I am forever grateful for him. Also during my eighth grade semester I wrote two novels, "The Halls of Abigail" which is based of a beautiful Puerto Rican girl I met In the eighth grade and the most famouse one, Roses & Cards. Roses & Cards was set to release by the beginning not my freshman year but I lost it in my computer files. But the dawn of highschool persuade me to interest in a new type of writing, poetry.
Poetry is like the five human senses, you can touch the words, feel the words, smell the words, hear the words and you can see the the words. Everything I felt went on a paper, and my love for music made it easy for me to rhyme words from one another. By my junior year in highschool I've published my first Poetry novel, "Lethal Injection" it was filled with my personal feelings and life problems.
I wouldn't say I sold much but the importance to me wasn't the money but the effort I made and the accomplishment I presented. And in the beginning of my senior year I wrote my second novel " Salt and Kisses". I say my writing has came so far and publishing books was not the end. I'm planning to at least write one full film script by my freshman year in college. And that dream it's proceeding through procrastination.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.