The streets taught me to be how i am today. it gave me an opportunity to choose. Many people believe they don't have a choice to the streets life because quote on quote " is how i was brought up so i can't change . Bullshit. It is not how you were raised but the choices you make. i can sell dope because the white man wouldn't give me an opportunity but to sell something that i know can jeopardize my identity was my decisions. So it was a choice. Growing up i had friends that smoke weed as early in the ages of 12. And i can positively tell you that they've been influence by close relative or peer pressure, but even in those ages it still was a choice.
I'll walked down the street to see a cop watching me uncomfortably, they're never smiling. Back then i didn't know how the criminal justice process worked but i was damn sure it was because of the color of my skin. I said nothing but mind my own business after that. See one thing about me is i don't smoke nor do i drink. i don't take pills nor do i snort anything. Have i tried some drugs for the hell of it, absolutely but i do not like them i don't find it satisfying and quiet frankly i believe they're a poor choice of reason.
So why do i say the street taught me to be how i am even though i don't replicate or even compare to what the people of the street does. Your wrongs and rights are morals, an essential to your standards in life. As one of my professors told me a poverty of thought is among those who believe they can succeed but choose to not exceed their limits because of so called reality. Such as, "I won't get hired because i'm black and the white man won't hire me." Well even though that statement might be true and more reality the thought of you thinking that is a poverty of thought. You are preying on your own downfall because it is what you see, it is what they say. Another example, black men walk away from their children because it occurs that way much. Debatable but again poverty of thought.
I was raised to see color, see differences in the bad and good, to see differences in cultural behaviors, as a result of being raised like that I've collectively gained the knowledge of racism, sexism anti- feminist and much more. But i didn't let how i was raised affect me negatively but gave me an opened door of understanding, of respecting different views even though we might argue and disagree in some things. I was raised to think one sided but taught myself to not think with a poverty of thought mind and to comprehend and decide as person how i want to be like.

I am Reality
HumorSecrets and lies, rumors and drama a school full of hell and back.