Roberto Miguel Ramirez, Juan scoffed. Could that redneck have chosen a more stereotypical name? He read the name over and over trying to make it stick in his mouth. He figured he could always use Micheal when doing introductions. Micheal wasn't so bad, but Ramirez. Really? He was definitely changing that as soon as possible.

His bag was packed and he was out the motel door. In his wallet was a new identity, a debit card with his name on it, connected to Tully's account. He cringed but knew it was the only way any of this would be possible at all. Without the Nazis help he'd be trading under table favors. His first goal get the hell out of Florida, his second goal, get a job. Everything else would fall into place as it could.

He felt strange going outside without his leathers. It still wasn't natural, he'd only been on the run a little over a week. In only a T-shirt and some baggy jeans he felt exposed to the world. His sunglasses and ball cap fit into the environment, no one really looked at him twice, which was a huge relief. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked the boardwalk.

The boardwalk was busy with people, being so close to the beach was good. People were always coming and going, the odds of seeing many of the same people was small. His stomach grumbled, he sighed knowing he'd have to give in and eat, using more of Tully's money. Using his new card. He was illegal, a crime, the thought of being caught now held more weight than it ever had. He pulled out his burner and checked the time, 1:45 PM. Lunch wouldn't hurt, then he could get a cab or something to the airport.

He sat in a booth at a Waffle House alone. His mind reeling out of control even though he wanted it to stop. His thoughts drifted to his brothers. What were they doing right now? Did they miss him at all? He knew this new life was going to be lonely but he hadn't expected his brain to cave in on itself like it was doing. In all the world now, he only had one person he could talk to, be honest with, and depend on. The one person he wanted to hate the most.

He pulled the burner back out, and decided that maybe texting the number wouldn't hurt. It gave him a chance to feel normal, and talk to someone. He could text anything and it didn't matter. It would be days before Tully was able to check the phone anyway.

Diner food sucks. I'm going to get fat eating this shit. Guess that's a small price to pay huh. :)

He sat the phone on the table and dug into his congealed hash browns and soggy patty melt.
The phone pinged and he jumped. He didn't expect a response that quickly. He was scared to look at it, what if Tully sold him out. Doubt flooded his brain as anxiety filled his chest. He tried to ignore it, but then it pinged again. He exhaled and nervously picked it up.

It was the same number. His chest clinched as he felt himself hope it was Tully and not some other prisoner, guard or a Son.

(First text)
Hey sweetheart, I knew you'd message me at some point. I thought it would take longer.

(Second text)
I'm glad you did. You can message anytime. I know you need someone to talk too. I won't even give you hard time about it. <3

Juan's hands were shaking as he read the texts. He was flooded with feeling. He didn't like any of them. He pressed send on the phone, listening to the line ring.

"Well this is a surprise." Tully's voice rattled through the speaker.

Juan sighed audibly into the phone. "I-I uh- wanted to ma-make sure it was you. G-got nervous."

"Well darlin it's me. Calm down, you're stuttering like you do when you're upset. Do we need to go through your breathing exercises?"

Juan tensed. Why did this man have to know so much about him? Why did he have to be the one to help him so much. Why was he even calling him? Nothing made sense. He wanted to just hang up, but now he'd worried the asshole and he'd call back, or send someone to check on him. He didn't need a redneck escort.

"No." He cleared his throat.

"No im fine. I just got worried someone else might have access to this phone. I just needed to feel like I was talking to someone. Didn't think you'd answer so fast or at all."

"Why wouldn't I answer you? You're the only person out there who talks to me without it being AB business. I need you just as much as you need me. No reason we can't be friends." Juan was silent.

"I mean I am a good friend right? Giving you my money and all. Setting you free. You call or text any time. I'll be there when I can. Don't worry so much about me selling you out. I know that's what this is about. I never sold you in here, I ain't gonna sell you out there. I told you, I take care of my things. Of course you're not a thing darlin, but I do care about you."

Juan was silent. His gut was churning and he felt sick inside. Why did this have to be his only friend. Why did this man fill him with relief and pain? He needed to hurry up and find the girl and then escape. For good.

"I know you do. I really am thankful for your help. I don't like using your money. I'm going to get a job and pay it all back."

Ron cut him off. "Hush with that nonsense. What good is it doing me in here? I get what I need, use what I need. My daughter doesn't use it. Take care of yourself. It makes me feel better knowing you're okay out there. The AB is constantly putting money into the account and on my books here. If you pay it back fine, if you don't fine."

Juan felt his anger coming to the surface. Why did this man get to feel better about himself? After what he'd done, to other people, to Juan. Juan had to die for what he did, he had to become someone else. He didn't get to feel better about himself even with a new name. He was still in hell and would die in hell.

"Okay Tully. I need to go. You gotta pay for my lunch." He laughed half heartedly.

The fact that falling into a casual back and forth was seemingly easy was bothering him. He wanted to never speak to him again, though he also found himself wondering how often he could actually talk to him.

He needed to ditch the stupid burner and get a smartphone. He needed access to the internet. He needed access to all his old accounts and documents. He could hack things, erase the trace. He could create new social media profiles online back date them. The wheels in his head starting turning, falling into this new identity would happen easier if he got to build the kind of man he was going to be.

I'm going to ditch this flip phone. I'll keep the SIM card from it and put it in a new one. I want an updated phone with data options. You care?

He asked for permission, what the fuck was wrong with him?

No baby. Get what you want. Get one of them tablet things or a laptop. You'll need that won't you? Don't want the big brain getting mushy cause you stopped using it. Maybe Roberto can go to college.

Juan's eyes widened, he'd not considered college since he was a teenager. This time Tully had a good point, he could in fact go to college, start clean. Juan already had an associates in tech he'd gotten out of boredom online. He could easily transfer everything to his new name. Erasing any trace of Juan Carlos ever even attending the course.

He sighed to himself. Fine, tech store first, then cab to airport, then Nebraska to find the girl.
He texted back a smiley face to Tully and shoved the phone into his pocket.

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