Juice tried not to panic, but something was very wrong. Someone had Amber, but who? Why? He had no real enemies anymore, no club connections, no one that really wanted to hurt him. He definitely had nothing to offer anyone. The only people he had contact with were Amber and Tully.

It felt like ice had settled in the pit of Juices stomach. Tully was a jealous man, known for keeping his possessions. Had their last meeting, the one Tully had been so... kind... at, been a ploy. Did he have Amber?

Juice had to make himself think like a normal person might. He didn't have connections or help, his class was about to start. There wasn't much he could do right now. He sighed feeling defeated, and trudged himself back to his next class.

This class is sooooo boring papi. He took a sneaky selfie, making a silly grimacing face. He sent the message, hoping it was well received. He didn't want to Tully to know he suspected him of taking Amber.

Boy stop wasting my money and pay attention.

Are you using the new phone I brought you?

Yes. Well I'm trying. What is this shit? You're going to have to show me how to use it.

You told me not to come back. Now you need my help? Old ass mother fucker.

Not my fault you don't listen. What is a FaceTime?

Can you get away tonight? I'll show you. Ohh crap, the lady is talking about something important. Ttyl.

Of course I can, I run this show. If she's talking you need to pay attention. I'll help you study. I don't know what that means kid.

Juice rolled his eyes and sat his phone down. Even now he wanted to hate Tully, he suspected him of kidnapping his only friend. Yet every time they communicate the familiarity of it makes him comfortable. It's almost as if not seeing him makes it easier to pretend he likes him.

What the hell was he going to do during FaceTime? Maybe this was a mistake, originally it had been so that he could see Tully's facial reactions to various things. The shot caller could hide behind his voice through the phone, but Juice had learned to read the slightest twitches in his facial muscles. Now he worried, what had he given him. Every selfie was a risk, but also porn for the monster. Yet he sent them freely, knowingly flirting with the devil to keep him on his side.

Had he done this? Had he made him take Amber, to keep him conditioned to need him? Did he somehow subconsciously tell Tully this is what he wanted?

"Miguel? Did you get a sheet?" Juice was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the professor was talking to him. He'd also forgotten his name. "Hmm? I'm sorry." He smiled awkwardly.
"Micheal. I um, I prefer Micheal to Miguel. No ma'am I didn't get a sheet." She came back over with a new stack for them to continue taking one and passing them.
"If you have time, can you stay after the class?" She raised a brow at him, making it obvious that it wasn't a suggestion. He groaned internally, of course he would manage to be noticed and get into trouble on his first day. At least there is no detention in college, right?
"Yes ma'am." He smiled at her flashing his bright teeth.

Got detention. Go me! He knew Tully would probably have some smart ass response,  but playing with the monster was fun. He needed to make friends.

Boy. It's the first day, what the hell did you do?

Was day dreaming. Now I'm texting you.

Tully didn't respond to that one, either he was being an ass or if he couldn't respond. Juice sat the phone down and tried to pay attention to what was left of the class.

His mind kept going back to Amber, he couldn't focus on public speaking. Where was she? Why had she left? Where did she go? She left a note so she'd left on purpose. Did she mean to be gone so long? Why was she crying? She was his only friend, he needed to help her. He had to find a way to see if Tully was involved or to sway the man to help him find her.

His plans were changing, he figured he'd be paying a visit to the jail sooner than he wanted to.

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