The petting had gotten heavy, Tully had literally began to melt under Juices touch. Juice could feel his gut churning the closer he got. He was reminded of the time Clay used him as bait with the rat in prison, he had barely been saved in the end. This moment felt the same, if he didn't get the information he needed soon he would he knew he would end up limping out of the place.

He moved himself from the lap again, looking up at him from beneath his lashes, intertwining his fingers with the other mans, making sure he looked sweet and shy. It had been a while after all, it had to be believable that he was nervous. He was nervous. "Just tell me Papi, please?"

Tully huffed angrily, jerking his hands away from Juices. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Juice like prey. "I ain't tellin you where she is. You want her, you find her. I told you I would handle it. If my word means nothing to you, then you need to leave. I'm cuttin you off."

His voice remained calm in that terrifying way, his words were logical for Tully. Still Juice noticed the irrationality in what he was saying. There was more at play here, Tully was... dare he think it... emotionally invested. In Juice. In his need to have Juice need him. Somewhere in his monstrous mind he needed to be needed, to feel... wanted if it was bought.
Juice was more in control than he thought, while also being in a very dangerous position. Someone like Tully wasn't always rational. It was very clear, if he couldn't have Juice, no one would.
"Alright. Alright. You know I trust you Papi." He stepped back towards him, reaching his hand out. "I'm just so... worried, and I hate not being able to do anything. That aside, I'm worried about you now too." He kicked his toe around the floor, making sure to look like he meant what he said.

"Out there, I'm on my own. Things are changing ya know? I have to take care of me too. I want to show you just how serious I am, about taking care of the people I care about." Juices voice became colder as he spoke, a terrifying grin crossed his face as he stepped back from Tully.

Tully's features softened, he pulled Juice into a tight hug. His mouth close to his ear, he whispered. "I'm proud of you Juan. I really am." He used his real name, not his gang name, not baby, not his new name. He used his given name as if it mattered, as if it held weight. The problem was, it did. Juice couldn't tell if it was a manipulation or if Tully really meant it. Who was the puppet now? Juice wanted so badly to be in control, of his life, of the situation of everything. He pulled away from the man, stepping back, knowing their time was coming to an end.

"We need to talk about this. What are you trying to do? You know I have to pay this little show of yours."
Tully's head cocked in inquiry.

Juice shrugged, he knew he messed up, but what were they really going to do? Did he even care? So what if someone else hurt him, he deserved it. Right?

"Go back to your cell, and don't ask questions." His voice was cold and commanding, a tone that was foreign to his own mouth. He banged on the door, grinning sweetly at Andrews when he looked between he and Tully.

He could see the disappointment playing on the guards face. He eyed Tully and shook his head before grabbing Juice by the back of the neck roughly taking him from the room.

"So, what the fuck was this visit for? You fuck em? You certainly didn't kill em." The guards voice held disgust, his grip tightened around Juices neck.

"Needed information." He shrugged again, remaining calm, he knew his calm demeanor was infuriating the man.

"What information could Tully possibly have for spic?" The gruffed when they finally made it back to the employee room.

"You know, just regular ol brand business. Only color that matters is green. Or have you not made it far enough up there ladder to know that?" He shot the man a glare, going through the Rolodex of names in his mind.
Being trapped with Tully all that time he heard his fair share of things. If it weren't for his skin color and his moral compass he could easily represent the brand. Being of a lesser race they didn't often hide their work from him, thinking him incapable of understanding anyway. He was a pet, to be brought out only when needed or wanted. Wanted.

He'd never been wanted, not by anyone that wasn't a cop. Tully told him he was proud of him. For what? He didn't elaborate. Why did he even say that? Like he knew Juice was up to something. He worked his way out of the uniform and back into his own clothes. He left the gloves on, not wanting his prints to be anywhere he couldn't explain. He knocked gently on the door letting the man know he was done.

This was his moment. It was now or never, he was going to send a message that Tully would understand. Speak his language. He took a deep breath, his heart pounded in his chest when the door opened.
"Andrews?" He called the guards name, throwing him off. "You know I may be just a spic, but Collier thought enough of me to keep me around." The mans eyes went wide at the name, Juice knew he'd said the right one. Collier is above Tully in rank, the man that would have approved his clearance for a new life. Juice said a silent prayer that man was still alive and this man wouldn't call his bluff. Collier would know that Juice existed, to what extent maybe not. For him to know the name was enough to make this idiot believe he carried weight.

He reached and grabbed the mans weapon before he could respond. The cold steel of the gun, the weight in his hand felt new but familiar. It. Felt. Good.

He cocked it, aiming it right at the mans head. "Next time you want to take out the boss, or whatever you thought would happen here tonight, maybe you should reconsider." Andrews eyes were blood shot from fear, the way Miles had looked at him. He could feel the ghost of the mans hands on his neck, tightening like the chain that night. He didn't want to die anymore, he wanted to live. On his own terms, buy his own rules. Juice liked this feeling of power, he understood why people like Tully enjoyed it.
The man put his hands up, but didn't say anything. "Too bad you won't get the opportunity to try again." Juice sneered, watching the emotion roll over the mans face before pulling the trigger.

The mans body fell in a heap on the floor. Juices heart pounded, there was no going back now. His new life was starting out great. It would take approximately ten minutes for someone to sound the alarm, lock down the building. Juice knew, from being inside, they would waste time doing grounds check, and since there was gun fire they'd wait till back up arrived to come in. He placed the gun in Andrews hand, removed the gloves and started making his way out of the prison.

He'd deal with wiping the tapes when he got home. He had no one to answer to, no red tape. He could spin this however he wanted too. The best part was that Tully would finally see him for who he was.

Not a rat. Not a gang member. Not a traitor. Not weak, or broken. Not a toy. Not a lover.

A. Cold. Blooded. Killer. Who would do anything to protect someone he cared about.

If he'd kill for Tully, what else would he do for Amber?

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