The silence ticked by, Juices mind was spinning. Why did he even come here? What was this supposed to do? He felt calm, yet not. Tully's eyes were burning through him, the mans gaze unreadable.

Tully moved slowly at the table, placing his hands in front of him, lacing his fingers. Juice wasn't sure if this was to assure him he wasn't going to hurt him or to make him look authoritarian. Either way it worked. His head cocked to the side as if he were turning over his thoughts in confusion. He takes a deep breath and as if something clicked he blinks and smiles.

"I know I'm pretty baby. You gonna talk to me or just stare at me?" Tully tried to make the room less tense, get the boy to smile at least. It didn't work, Juice looked shocked instead.

"Right. Sorry." He mimicked Tully's movement, putting his hands in front of him.
"You just uh- vanished, with everything going on I got worried." Not about Tully exactly but he didn't have to say that.

Tully's face softened, others wouldn't notice but Juice did. Juice could unfortunately play this man like he could hack. Tully didn't respond though, waiting for the man to continue.

Juice breathed deeply. "Um. I got accepted into school. Can't remember if I told you that or not."

"How are you doing? You secure a place to live?"

Juice looked confused. He was using this mans money how did he not know?

"Yeah. Thanks by the way. I applied for jobs also. You won't have to take care of me for much longer." Juice smiles awkwardly trying to play it off. Tully sat back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head, legs open wide.

"I don't do anything, I don't want to baby. I told you I wanted to help. Papi's gonna take care of his boy."

A small flair of anger hit Juice. "But why! What is wrong with you?" He didn't yell but he sounded disgusted. Tully only laughed.

"I don't get to do many things to feel good about. Don't make me question how it makes me feel." He raised a brow. "I believe I told you, you were free to go. Yet here you are. So you tell me baby. Why?" Tully's voice maintained that smooth calm drawl that somehow soothed Juice even though it pissed him off. He wished he could have a fraction of control of himself this barbaric man displayed.

"I just... I'll never be able to pay you back. Not with a legit job. Money aside, you confuse me. You're supposed to hate me because of my skin. I'm a rat. You were supposed to kill me. You didn't do your job." He hated himself for the tears that were burning his eyes. Tully remained unmoved.

"I'm so confused man. The club knows I'm alive. You... I was just ass man. Why am I here? Why can't I... why can't I get my shit together? Who are you?" He was rambling, Tully let him. Despite his ability to not give a shit he could tell Juice needed to get it out.

Tully was by far no angel but he had some decency. He wasnt getting any younger, someone would kill him off eventually and take his place. That's how you get rank in here. He didn't know what compelled him to help Juice of all people, there were many more deserving idiots in here. It was a good fuck you to the establishment, to the people he'd dedicated his life too, given his freedom too. For what? A decent salary that was his regardless? For brothers who'd turn their back on him in a second given the order from a higher up? He was no different than Juice, except for the seat he had. For some reason, at fifty years old, that mattered.

"I think you need to see a therapist boy. Just my honest opinion. I like seeing your face but I don't like it when you cry. I don't have answers for you." He took a deep sigh, thinking on what to say next.
"It never leaves this room, you hear?"
Juice nodded, wiping his wide eyes.
"I'm getting tired boy, I need to do one decent thing. I've fucked up my life, my kids life, spent it all on shit that doesn't even matter. You, you're no body, you're dead. Who you gonna tell? As long as you need me, I'll do what I need too to right that wrong."

Juice was floored. Tully however as if he'd not just dropped a bomb revelation, composes himself and readjusts his posture, resting on his elbows now.

"What about the club?"

"Q-tip wasn't happy about you. That sheep shagger knows you're alive. He doesn't care so long as he don't see you. Apparently I paid for your sins. Your regular everyday Jesus."

"Quinn?" Juice did laugh at his name, Tully had a way with words for sure. "That what happened to your face?"

Tully nodded. "Q-tip needed his peace. I let him have it. Got me down in the shower, I didn't fight back. Deserved it for letting you go. Scotty says we're even. The rest of club doesn't even know who you are, everyone else is either dead or patched out. You're my responsibility now. I'm supposed to keep you from doing anything stupid enough to land back in Samcro territory."

Juice couldn't stomach it really. Chibs was letting him go? Because he was fucked a few times in prison? It didn't make sense, but for now he'd accept it.
"Oh that Mayan you tried to by passage from, hes with Galindo now. Took over a lot of the H-trade. I think they are still transitioning the guns. You're clear with the Mayans now, but don't go getting in a bike."

"Wait, why are telling me about business? The Mayans?"

Juice was confused and tired. This was more than he bargained for.
"Well Samcro let you go. The Mayans were your next offense. They were going to vote on tracking you. I can't have that. You being found endangers me, my guys, your girl. I'm done with the blood kid."

Juice started crying again, but he held himself together. "The H-trade? You bought me with the H-trade?" He said it as if it were a statement.

"I have plenty other businesses. You get yourself a decent life going. Don't worry about Papi, you got a second chance."

He sounded so final. Juice couldn't understand what was happening. Obviously Tully had moved for his own safety, giving up the trade would ensure someone higher up would have his head. Unless they couldn't find him but he wouldn't be a secret here for long.

"I'll call you when I get a burner. Don't come back here baby. You hear me?" Tully stood, pulling Juice up into a tight embrace. Juice had so many other questions, what was happening? Was he really free? Was he really okay? Was Tully going to die? Why did he even care?

"One more thing baby."

Juices face was smashed between them he couldn't speak really. "Hmmmm?" He murmured against his chest.

"Stop shopping at the thrift store. I have an image to maintain. You're better than that. You'd better pass your classes also. Don't waste this life." He kissed his forehead, and let him go. Walking over to the door he banged to be let out, not even glancing back.

Juice sank to the floor when the man left. His body started to shake as the tears took over. He was so confused about what just happened.

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