If there was one thing Tully knew, nothing was more dangerous than a man who had nothing to lose. Ortiz was that man. Everything, everything was taken from him, including his dignity. Tully had watched him, the fragile mess of what was basically a kid slowly becoming stronger. Even if he himself didn't notice it.

Juice was quiet, observant, often forgotten. He had been watching and learning Tully's ways, his mannerisms, the way he thought, apparently what he liked. Whether or not he realized it he was becoming well versed in manipulation.

One thing boggled Tully's mind the most was that Juice had given himself ample opportunity to kill him. Yet he's chosen not too. If Tully were in his position, with his skills and knowledge he'd take everything he owned, and then off him. Not knowing what Juice was capable of, or what he had planned made him uneasy. A feeling he didn't much enjoy.

He couldn't even wrap his head around how Juice had gotten food into the place. Let alone how or why he remembered what his favorite junk was. Hell it had been so long since he'd eaten anything that wasn't from the prison he couldn't remember what it was like. He managed to keep composure even though he was sure the boy -who wasn't as weak as he thought he was- noticed.

His heart had never beat so fast, a flood of emotions ran through him. Shame, rage, hurt, all of them and none of them simultaneously. He felt like he was going to combust, sitting there when Juice got ready to leave.

Yes, got ready too. The idiot could think and do for himself. He came and went on his own terms now. This display was proof of that. "Let me know." Juice had turned to him smiling his bright smile, eyes wide and almost sincere.

Yet those words rang through Tully's mind, causing him to feel sick. That was the last thing he'd said to Jax Teller in the room that day. The look on Juices face that day, wasn't fear, no, he was beyond fear, but it was almost the look of someone who'd already died. Complacent, accepting, he knew that he'd die, and dealing with Tully just part of the journey to get there.

If Tully had known then that they were going to do what they did to Juice, hell if he'd known half the kids story, he would have never... he could have taken him, molded him, made him his own foot soldier. So what if he was a spic? A soldier is a soldier, they will follow the command. A spic on the brotherhoods side, he could have been a great spy.

Of course Tully would have then been no better than the Sons. Using the idiot to his own advantage, but even still, knowing he'd be getting the spic killed, he still wouldn't have sentenced him to be raped, beaten, and killed. Rape. A word Tully didn't like, it was simply a job. Putting a punk in his place, letting him know who was in charge. Rape was for the degenerates, the morally void, the animals in the prison who apparently knew no better. However in his heart he knew that's what it was. He was no better, he was basically a prostitute on the giving end.

Hearing those words leave that mouth, told him so many things about Juice. He didn't kill him when he should have, not literally. He couldn't have killed Juice anyway, he was dead when he got there. What he did do however, was give him a rebirth. The man that stood in front of him was a new man. A dangerous man with a big heart. Despite it all Tully could tell that hadn't changed. Juice cared too much, he still cared too much. He could be ruthless if he needed too, but he could hurt someone more by not caring anymore. Leaving them to sit with their own sins...

The thought of Juice holding the to key to Tully's potential freedom was making him anxious. Tully wasn't good at actually looking at himself, he's never had too. This kid was dancing all over him, dangling his power in his face. Juice wasn't sloppy, he'd never get caught, he could pull this off. What actually scared Tully, yes scared him, was that Juice was so meticulous, he could get him out, and do God only knows what with him. No one would ever know, or find him. Worse of all even still, this kid could break his heart. A heart he didn't even know he had anymore, Juice had complete control.

Tully would have to change things... and fast.

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