The ride home consisted of every possible emotion within the human spectrum. He was confused about everything. His entire identity was taken and the only shred of self he had left just... gave him up? He couldn't stop thinking about what he had done to make the monster not want him anymore. Was he even serious? By the time he got back to his apartment he was so conflicted he couldn't even think straight.

Amber sat on the couch watching some movie, not even acknowledging him coming in. He walked past her to the bathroom. He turned the shower on stewing over everything that happened, raging about how she didn't even greet him. Did she not care either? Of course not, she was leaving too.

He wrapped a towel around his waist, hair still dripping wet, body dripping onto the floor. His mind was racing, he felt wired, like on a high.

His hand wrapped around her neck, cupping her chin and pulling her head gently back, startling her.
"Micheal! What are you..." his mouth cut her off, as his lips attacked hers. Their mouths fought for control for a moment but she melted into the sensation.

Her arms wrapped behind her pulling his neck down to her, slowly urging him over the couch. He slid down the side of the couch plopping awkwardly on top of her. His mouth never left her, he refused to stop and think. In his overflow of emotions his body seemed to respond, something that he may have to think about later but for now he was just going with it.

He wasn't sure when or how but his brain caught up with what was happening and she was now completely naked pressed against him. Both of their bodies were trembling but for different reasons.
His hands found her hips, smoothing over them before clutching her tightly. Their breathing was in sync, gasping between kisses. The softness of her breast was familiar yet new, his mind started comparing.

Tully's body was soft in some places but not like hers. His had gone soft with age, lack of need to maintain firmness. Constantly covered and protected he rarely had to fight his own battles. His muscles were still firm, his lips against Juices skin always seemed to sear where they touched. He tried to shake the memories, he refused to let him ruin this moment for him. He'd given him away, honored his freedom whatever that meant.

Tully was a mind fuck but somehow this encounter felt genuine. The man was almost disappointed, no disheartened at letting him go. As if Juice meant something to him, he knew better though. He was just a pawn, something for the man to control. Juice drew his focus to her breast, trying to maintain the moment. The hard numb between his teeth was sensitive gaining a loud response sending a jolt right down to his cock.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, the towel between them long since gone, he felt the smooth cleft of her heat against him. He'd been on the receiving end for so long he almost forgot what to do. He couldn't just brace himself and wait for the impending splitting of his body. He moved himself back less than an inch, giving some space so his cock wasn't touching her folds.

Her body rutted against him, arms pulling him closer, encouraging him to enter her. His mind was bouncing around with all the reasons this was a bad idea and all the reasons he deserved this. His body was responding, that in itself was amazing, so far he hadn't gone limp. The sensation was almost foreign to him.

His movements increased, hips snapping against her harder. Her body arched against him, her hips grinding where their bodies met, giving herself friction. The burning in his gut was getting to be too much, everything would be over sooner than he wanted, at the same time it was a relief.

He wasn't even sure if she'd came at all, his own orgasm ripped through him before he could stall it. Blinding white light behind his eyes, a sharp pain in his gut -he was sure was just in his head- tore through him. He bit down on his lip to keep himself from shouting out a name, any name, he didn't know what would come from his mouth, he'd die if he said his.

He rolled himself off of her, letting his body fall to the floor. His arm flopped over his face as he tried to breathe. She propped herself up on one elbow, looking down at him with a devious grin.

"Well Micheal, I have a feeling, once you get back to it, you'll be very good at this." She was teasing but hoped she didn't hurt his feelings. Thankfully he laughed.

"I'm literally trying not to think about it. I don't want to regret it Amber." It came out as a mumble, he really hoped he hadn't just offended her.

She stroked her cheek sweetly. "I understand Micheal. I really do. I don't know what got into you but I didn't hate it. I think maybe it's progress?"

He laughed a little, knowing that was a mediocre performance at best. However like she said it was progress, whatever caused it may take it back but for now he was glad for it.

She stood and pulled her clothes back on, leaning over to grab his keys. "Where ya going?" He mumbled into his arm again.

"Pharmacy. Can never be too safe."

It took him a moment to understand what she meant, Plan B, no babies. He curled up into a roll on the floor and tried to keep his thoughts at bay.

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