Focusing on Tully taking us back to Stockton and bringing us up to date.

Everything was sorted, he'd gotten Juice out of Stockton. Where he'd end up was beyond his control but he knew the kid would let him know something. Tully isn't a good man, he doesnt even try to be, something about Juice, just tugs his heart a little. He couldn't find it in him to honor Jax Teller, he was more of a coward than Juice.

He hadn't expected the kid to keep up with him when he made his escape. Lord knows Tully would have flown the nest quicker than he could land. He wouldn't be himself if he didn't use it to his advantage. Conversation with anyone who has half a brain is far and few in between.

He hadn't originally planned on giving the idiot a dime. Not of the weed business, not of his own, none. He had planned to dump him out, and let him go. He hadn't planned on the deranged boy to fucking text him, send him a picture. Even if he was the only person on the planet aware of him, if Tully had been in his position he would have skipped the country.

He sat in his cell, holding the burner, waiting for time to pass into nothing. He contemplated texting the fool but decided better of it. Much to his own surprise the phone went off.

Papi? I need to buy something but I don't want to spend too much money.

Tully rolled his eyes, he knew deep down the kid was playing him but he didn't really care. Life was nothing but a game after all. He could all but see him, timid sitting on his bunk, big eyes looking up at him. He'd learned Tully's soft spots quickly, learned to get what he needed. Tully shook the thought, he'd never see that face again.

He'd though Juice was a stupid name, the Sons seemed good at coming up with stupid names. Chibs the sheep shagger, Tig, what the fuck did that even mean, and now Q-tip. Sure Tully was the only person calling him that, but still. Apparently these guys were not thrilled at finding out he'd let Juice go, he thought surly they'd kill him.

He was in the shower when he felt the tension of the change. He'd felt it many times before, usually in the direction of his own hand. This time however, it was mere seconds before his knees were kicked out from under him.

"Well Tully, you thought you'd get away with it? Like we wouldn't notice the lack of dead body." Quinn snipped at him. A blow to the face, Tully grunted. He didn't answer, he didn't fight back. He deserved it, he'd let the rat go.

"You ain't gonna fight back?" Quinn yelled getting angry by the lack of expression on the shot callers face. He maintained a complacent expression, managing to look almost bored with the situation.

Finally, when Quinn had tired himself out, Tully was a bloody heap on the floor, the man plopped down beside him. Tully pulled himself up, leaning back against the wall of the shower.

"You feel better now?" He asked, keeping the pain from his voice.

"Yeah, I do."

"He won't be no trouble. Got him put away for safe keeping. Want him for myself." He summoned the sleaziest parts of himself for this transaction.

"Chibs says we can accept him living. Idiots your problem now, don't want to see em. You got some shit to handle with the Mayans though. They have beef with the rat."

Tully hummed in agreement. Quinn pulled himself up from the floor, extending a hand to Tully. "We're good. Hope it stays that way."

Tully shook the hand, able to read between the lines. No retaliation from his men for this beat down, no contact from Juice.

His head felt like it was splitting open, his eyes were swelling quickly and he was certain he had some broken ribs. He was definitely getting to old for this shit.

He had to check on Juice, he had to make this right.

Handling shit with the Mayans was easier, they were getting a good deal with taking half the inside H trade. That was a relief, handling business from the infirmary was beneath him, but he had to make due.

He managed to secure his transfer, saying all the right things to the warden. Playing the victim really well, being a high profile gang member who feared for his life, they try to keep him alive. He brought a lot of under the table over time pay to the guards. Something the warden turned a blind eye too long as Tully kept the prison in order. Now that he'd been seemingly attacked they warden had no choice but to move him, keep the income flowing, and the ranks progressive.

What Tully hadn't planned on was seeing Juice sitting in that room. For once he didn't have the upper hand, and he wasn't really sure how he felt about it. The idiot rat hugging him, almost threw him off his feet. The world was fucking upside down and Tully was struggling to make it right again. He had to put trust into a rat, an outcast, that he wouldn't fuck things up. Juice had apparently found some backbone and wasn't taking directions anymore. Least not from Tully.

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