Juice had barely made it back to his apartment when his phone buzzed.

"He-hello?" He sniffled, not even caring that he was crying to whomever was on the line.


Juice scrubbed his hand down his face trying to pull himself together.
"Hello? Who is this?" His voice still shook but not as much.

No answer still, he could hear faint breaths.

"Boy, why are you crying?" The drawl poured out of the phone.

"Huh?" Juice was confused, he hadn't expected to hear Tully's voice. Why was he crying?
"I don't know, actually. Hit a breaking point I guess."

A hum of agreement. "You need therapy kid."

A malicious laugh left Juices lips before he could stop it. "Whose fault is that?"

"Well, certainly it's not all mine. Now you left here hastily. I don't want to sit on it."

"Did I?" He knew his voice sounded confused, he was confused.

"Are you okay? Papi is actually worried about you kid. I don't like to worry."

His body shook, all these emotions were pulling him into a million directions.
"I'm fine, just inside out. Ya know? I'm no good on my own."

Tully breathed deeply taking in the words.
"Have you thought it all through? What you mentioned?" Tully was skeptical, figured it was spur of the moment.

Again that self hating laugh. "Actually this is one thing I did think through. I told you, I'm no good on my own."

What the fuck was wrong with him. Amber left him so now he wanted his rapist to what? Come live with him? That's ridiculous. No way that would end badly! What a joke, why would he think that's a good idea?

"So what? I get out and what? Come live with you?"

The silence confirmed what Tully thought. He might be a monster but he wouldn't jeopardize the kid that way.

"That's not possible boy. For so many reasons that's not possible." His voice sounded disappointed, he didn't even try to fix it.
"Look, I'll call you, keep you updated. Probably won't be here long anyway. They're uh, they're gonna move me to PC. We both know what that means. I'm more use to someone there than here." Tully sounded light but Juice caught the tension in his words.

"Wait... what? Who can do that?" Juice was incredulous.

Tully clicked his tongue. "Guess we'll see."
Juices phone buzzed in his ear, he switched to speaker and opened it.
"You sent me a selfie?" He sounded unamused even though he smiled as he looked at the picture. Tully was in his cell, the block ID visible in the back, along with a few other blurry inmates. Juice figured they must be important or else he wouldn't have gotten them.

"Now your turn baby."

Juice walked over to the big window, making sure the city was visible behind him. He had a good view, in a decent part of town. He mimicked the unsmiling face of Tully's picture.

"Smile boy. Your face is too pretty not too."
Juice huffed, involuntarily thinking the same thing. He took a smiling one, his eyes were still red but his smile was bright as ever.

"That one better?"

"I was serious about you getting therapy or something. I have to go though, I'll call you soon."
The line disconnected before Juice could respond.

He didn't know why, and he hated it but talking to him just now made him feel calmer. He wanted to find Amber, he wanted to call Chibs, talk to someone. Anyone who might understand him.

He figured therapy was probably the best choice, he just didn't want to go. He had too much on his plate, school, a new life, finding Amber. He figured the only way he'd ever pay Tully back was going to be to get him out. He figured he'd check that off his list next.

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