"Hey! Are you okay? Micheal!" She shouted and shouted at him.

He didn't move, she was starting to panic. She didn't want to call 911 after what she'd learned. She felt his pockets for his phone, pulling it out she opened the screen looking for his contacts. She thought it was odd there was only one other number besides her own called out, and only one other number in his contacts. Tech support.

He had just gotten a new phone, but upon further inspection she noticed it was the only number in his texts as well besides herself.

She didn't want to be nosy, so she scrolled through the messages briefly, trying to see if it was personal at all or simply tech. The amount of baby's, papis and other things led her to believe it was personal. Certainly it couldn't be who he was running from right?  Not if he were actively talking to the guy. She pressed call.

She kept shaking Micheal as the line rang, he was breathing but shallowly, she was worried he hit his head. Did he have seizures? Did he take medications?

Hey baby. Didn't expect you to call so soon, haven't been able to get back to your text.

The deep voice came through the phone surprising her. Micheal hadn't came across as being gay in the stereotypical way, but it did help explain to her why he was so easy to be around.

You there sweetheart? Papi is on limited time. His voice was harsher but still almost playful sounding.

She took a breath. "Hi, um this was the only number in his phone. Micheal..."

Who is this?
He cut her off quickly, he was going to hang up, he was pissed, this would snowball if his boy had tatted on him... he'd have to actually fucking kill him. He frowned at the thought.

"My name is Amber. I'm a friend of Micheals. He panicked or fainted I don't know. You were the only contact, I didn't want to call the ambulance." She sounded terrified, but obviously she knew something if she wasn't calling the ambulance. She wasn't an idiot, and Tully mused at the idea of being the only contact the boy had.

"Well Amber, I apologize for my brashness. Is he okay?"
That drawl, the way spoke, everything was calculated, she could tell he put thought into sounding effortless. Something about it made her nervous.

"I was hoping you could help me with that."

Tully sighed, he honestly didn't know how to approach the subject. He cared, of course, if he hadn't he wouldn't be putting so much effort into the punk. He was a little hurt, who was this girl and why was she calling. What had happened to Juice for her to call. Was he okay? A million thoughts pinged through his mind.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?"
She thought about her words, she didn't know what anyone knew about him. She didn't want to tell something she shouldn't, everything about him was a mystery. She decided to go with Bethy.

"We we're talking and he got upset. He was telling me about his little sister and then he started hyperventilating and he hit the floor. Hard."

Tully rolled the thoughts over his head. The punk had been prone to panic attacks inside.
"He has panic attacks darlin. He takes medication for it. If he passed out, it got out of control. Just get him some water and make sure his head is okay. If you have some ice it will bring him too. Good job not calling the hospital, would have made it worse. He don't trust doctors."

She ran around the house doing what he'd said. "What do I do with the ice?"

Before she could hear answer Micheal took a deep breath bolting upright. He patted his hands over his body inspecting for wounds, once satisfied he hadn't been stabbed he blushed and looked at Amber. His eyes widened when he saw his phone to her ear.

"He just sat up."

Tully let out a breath he was holding in relief.
"Good, I'm glad he's awake. He feel up to talking?"

He could hear the drawl of his voice, he felt shame and panic stirring in his gut again. Did he call? Why did she answer his phone. Did she call him? She must have seen the messages if she had. He wanted to run, hide from the world.

"Hey, Micheal, you feel like talking? Your friend is really worried about you."

Micheal held back a grimace. Tully didn't do worried, he hated that she knew his voice now, he would have to explain this as well.
He just held his hand out, talking would be easier now than later.

"Hey, sorry about that. I'm okay." He spat out quickly.

"I'm glad baby. You worried your friend. We're going to need to have a conversation later. You understand?"

Juice tried to keep his demeanor calm, neutral, he could tell she was watching him even though she'd walked away.

"Yeah, okay."

Tully made a gruff noise. "Yes what?" He did still have a reputation to uphold.

"Yes Papi." He practically whispered but Tully let it slide.

"That's better. Haven't heard you say it in a long time. Miss you sweetheart."

Juice blushed, not from excitement but because just talking to him made his gut churn. Everything about this was wrong.

"Yeah, I know. I promise to call you tonight when I get somewhere is that okay?" He knew he was going to get a lecture, probably about being careless with her. Who knows what else. He didn't want to deal with it at all. Tully always won though.

"Tonight your time then love. Be safe."

Juice hung up without saying anything.

Amber was looking at him with what he hoped was confusion.

"I'm sorry Amber."

She only nodded. "He said you had medication you're supposed to be taking for that."

He nodded. "Yeah, I never got it filled. Long story."

"I'm just going to throw it out there before it becomes an elephant. That's not your dad is it? Papi... it's like a play name isn't it? He your boyfriend?" She was smirking but Juice felt like he was going to throw up.

He stood up, dusted himself off and grabbed his head. He must have hit it on the way down. "Shit, no. Well yes, but no. God dammit, you wanna just come with me? If you're so hell bent on knowing me, I have a deadline and the company wouldn't suck. I promise not to kill you."

She scoffed playfully. "You're obviously not going to hit on me or rape me either."

That did it... he puked all over her floor. That was a line he would never cross, but not for the reason she thought. She'd know soon enough and never want to see him again. He'd have to make sure he could get her home. He figured Tully was probably going to want to know who she was, hell he probably already had someone working on it. Maybe he would be happy he wasn't alone. He prayed he was happy and wouldn't let his unwarranted jealousy take hold. It's not like Juice could fuck her if he wanted too. His dick was basically a dead appendage and he didn't think it would ever work again.

He felt like he was passing through more gates of hell, pretty soon he'd hit the bottom and be swallowed by the fire. If he was lucky that would kill him.

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