The days had crept by, they'd managed to keep themselves busy exploring the town. Micheal had collected a few job applications, he'd have to do something, even if it was just for spending money. Till he figured out life he'd have to keep living on Tully's dime.

The past week had been chaos, emotional ups and downs. Amber would be leaving to go back to Florida, getting herself settled for the new semester. He hated for her to go, he'd be alone again. Truthfully he knew it was for the best.

A part of this new life, this stolen life would be done alone. A prison of its own, just biding his time until someone found him. Before he could accept this he needed closure. Not from Amber, not from the Sons. From Tully. He needed to get his meeting over with.

He'd planned for a week, what he would do or say. Though now the moment was here, still no word from the man or any one, he was more worried.
He was worried about rejection and that made him sick. Why would he care? Shouldn't he want to be rejected by this man? But he didn't. Out of everyone who's wronged him in his life Tully was the most honest. The most fucked to sure but he was honest. He was reliable in a sort of predictable way, except for when he wasn't. Like right now. That was killing Juice.

"You ready Micheal? Are you sure you want to go alone?" She rubbed his back. He pulled his ball cap on and zipped his hoodie.

"I have too Amber. It's not safe for you to go. I don't know what's going to happen. He may not even be there."

She kissed his cheek. "I'll be here when you get back. For whatever happens."

He pulled up to the gate of Macon Prison. It was a long drive but it went by much faster than he thought it would. What if Tully turned down the visit? Everything was in that mans terms. Juice calling the shots was never an option.

The buzzing of the cold metal gate clanked closed behind him as a guard whisked him to a hall of meeting rooms. He was a little confused, he had put his name on the list, general visit. He hadn't expected to be alone. His heart started to pound, he was both nervous and relaxed. If they were alone no one would see whatever happens.

The guard who's greeted him stayed behind at the last door, another guard taking over. No words exchanged between the black officer and the new white one. Juice took one look at the man and knew he was on Tully's take, and if he wasn't he was a part of the AB. Which meant he doled our favors for a cost.

"Sit here spic. Daddy's gone be here soon." The guard smiled predatorily, more so than even Tully could manage. Juice sat, trying to ignore the deja vu rushing through his veins.

"Hey baby. See you found me." Juice looked up, seeing Tully standing in the doorway almost casually. He'd been so lost in his panicky thoughts he hadn't even heard the man come in. Juice gasped when he saw him. A sudden rush of conflicting emotions ran through him, making him freeze up.

Tully's face was purple and swollen in some places, lip busted, bruises down his neck, feathering out beneath his orange jumper. Juice could tell by the yellowing it was healing but it had been a bad beating. The man had a slight limp where he used to swagger, as he approached Juice.

Juice didn't mean it, is body like so many times before betrayed him. He responded on impulse, jumping up from the chair and quickly meeting Tully halfway. His arms slung tightly around his neck in... maybe... concern? Happiness? He wasn't sure, but the embrace felt nice. Another thing that made him want to vomit.

Maybe on of his little playthings had enough? Who could beat up this man and get away with it?

"What happened to you Papi?" The words left his mouth before he could stop them.

"Package got a little shook up in transit baby. That's all." He smiled a toothy grin. "What brings you here? This was a surprise. You know how I feel about surprises."

Juice blushed, he didn't know why. He did know how the man felt, which is why he'd been so nervous.
"Hadn't heard from you, got worried."

He couldn't tell if the smile Tully wore now was genuine or just a ploy to make him drop his guard.
"How did you swing this baby? You know I actually got worried I was about to meet my maker. They told me you were here, I figured it was a joke."

Juice just shrugged. Tully accepted it, he knew he couldn't tell him.

"That why were in here?" Juice raised a brow.

"Yeah, I wanted to see you myself and not be bothered if you were really here." Tully flicked off his ball cap, and pulled him into another hug. He nuzzled the top of his head where his tattoos once were visible, breathing deeply he tried to memorize the smell. Juice was overwhelmed with it all. Tully's reaction, the state he was in, both physically and literally. This was too much to process and his mind was already getting exhausted.

"No mics or cameras. Do you know what could happened if they see your face? Sit boy. I've missed you too much to even be mad and I'm sure you've got a million questions bouncing around inside that big ole head of yours." Tully pulled out a smoke and lit it, offering one to Juice. For a brief moment they just sat across from one another and stared. Each waiting for the other to start.

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