Juice spent the better part of an hour saying bye to his bike. He hadn't been able to ride it since he'd gotten to Miami but leaving her behind still hurt. He had stripped all of her serial numbers, started taking her apart. He'd have to send her pieces all over. He didn't want anyone from SAMCRO to find her and track him back here.

Juice, Juan Carlos Ortiz no longer existed, he died in prison. Stabbed in the throat left to bleed out on the floor. He had to let go of anything that could be traced. He wiped his eyes and stood inside the hotel room looking at the boxes that held her parts. It just seemed so wrong. He'd gone through the motels phonebooks gathering addresses from all over the states and a few international ones. All of his boxes were stamped ready to send, no return addresses. Leaving them with the front desk felt like a risk but he'd have to take it.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his facial hair was growing in thicker, still splotchy but there was more of it. His hair had grown in, the urge to cut it was driving him crazy, but he knew it was the only way to cover his tattoos. Thankfully his hair grew fast, the sides of his hair had grown in enough that you could only see darker patches where his tattoos are, otherwise they weren't recognizable.

He took a deep breath, giving the dingy room a once over. He knew once he closed this door behind him he'd never be Juan Carlos again. He was now Roberto Miguel Ramirez, though he still figured he would go by Michael, he liked that better. Anything was better than Justin Tully. Fucking Tully, he was a smart bastard.

Juice knew he was grooming him, gaining his trust. Slowly taking his independence, he had done it in the prison and even out here he wasn't free. He could see the man face when he closed his eyes. Those piercing dark eyes, that smirk that was permanently plastered on his face, and why in the fuck does then Nazi asshole not have eyebrows?! Seriously does no one think that's odd? Juice would never understand the man and for that he was grateful.

He grabbed his bag and walked out of the room. Leaving no trace he'd ever been there, the room was cleaned now than when he'd found it.

Michael. He had to remember to introduce himself as Michael as much as possible. The name still felt funny in his mouth. He cursed under his breath as sweat starting rolling down his face in the heat. So far he hated Miami, even though he fit in. Most of the people he ran into were Cuban or Puerto Rican. His Spanish was decent, better than he'd ever told the Sons it was. He had figured he didn't need any more points against him than he already had so he stuck to English. Maybe adopting Spanish full time would help him transition into Michael, maybe it would just drive him crazy.

He turned his iPod on and shoved the buds into his ears. Popping along with the music he'd walked for an hour. He wasn't sure how far he'd made it, but he was at least near a more inhabited part of town than the motel was in. His stomach grumbled and he hated himself for it. Just more of Tully's money to use. The town at least had some restaurants with food unlike the diners who had grease covered grease that tasted like grease with some meat bits in it. The thought made him nauseous.

He walked into a little cafe, it was airy and bright. The menu was written in chalk, not too many options. He liked it here, it was clean, the employees were clean, it felt safe. He took a seat at a table close to window, waiting for the waitress to come take his order.

She was pretty, and young. Probably still in college Juice figured. She had long auburn hair and big round eyes, tan skin, she was thin but not too thin. All his time in the Sons he'd forgotten what real women look like. Girls who haven't had a bunch of work done to sell more films, a part of him liked it out here just for that. She was sweet, she had a kind voice when she took his order. She didn't have pity in her eyes when she looked at him, as she must see a lot of comers and goers through out the town. She did look curious as if she expected him to have a story, and to share. Like so many others before him would have.

The chicken salad he'd ordered was the best thing he'd eaten in weeks. He didn't even care that he was still drinking a coke with it. He felt healthier already. He'd gained a little weight these weeks eating all the  shit he was eating. He didn't want to get pudgy he was vain in that aspect.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" He asked the waitress in his best confident voice.

She looked at him expectantly but didn't say anything.

"Where is the nearest tech store?"

She thought for a moment. "It's up the way a little bit in a strip mall on the left. It's not super far from here."

"Awesome. Uber run out here?"

She nodded. His phone was a stupid flip phone nothing new tech. His face burned red for a moment and then he sucked in his breath just accepting it.
He waved his phone in front of face.
"Could you maybe do it for me? I had to get a replacement and this is what I'm working with till my new phone gets here." It was a lie but it worked none the less.

She nodded and smiled. Well smiles was being polite about it, she right out laughed at him and patted his shoulder. He couldn't tell if she was flirting with him or not but a part of him wanted her to be. Maybe if he could get laid and it not be a bad experience he'd get out of this funk he was in. Maybe her tight hot body would replace the images of Tully's hard sweaty man body in his mind.

"How long you in town for?" She asked casually picking up his plate.

"I'm leaving tonight. Just passing through honestly."

She nodded and smiled, he thought he saw some disappointment on her face. He also could have just wanted it to be there.

"Oh. There's just so much to do here in Miami, I figured you'd probably be here for a while."

He drank some of his soda and swallowed hard. He shined his mega watt smile at her.
"My plans aren't definite. I could always stick around a little while. It's just not as much fun when you're alone ya know?"

She giggled a little. "Well I'm off the next couple days after this shift. If you wanted, and you promise not to be a serial killer or something, I could show you around."

He grinned more. "Even if I were a serial killer, I wouldn't kill you. You're to beautiful." He felt stupid as soon as he said it but it was out now. He couldn't take it back.

She burst out laughing. "Yeah, your not smooth enough to be one I guess huh. I'm Amber by the way."

"Michael." He extended his hand shaking hers.

"When the car gets here, I'm going to check out the tech shop and maybe go get some new wheels. I totaled my bike. That's actually why I'm here at all. Crashed coming in off the highway. Nothing can be done for her so I'm in the market. Want to go car shopping with me?"

"Getting a cage instead of a bike huh?" She smirked at his expression.  "I ride for sport, motocross. I guess a car would be better if you're going far. What did you have?"

"Dyna, 1584 cc engine. She was a smooth ride. I'm gonna miss her." He shook his head sadly.
"A car would better for the trip I've got to make though."

"Where you going?" She kept her voice casual, but she did enjoy talking to him. It helped of course that he was hot. He knew it, he always played off his looks.

Her eyes went wide, and then her phone dinged before she could respond. "Ohh looks like your ride is here."

He stood and thanked her for her help. When he got to the door he looked over his shoulder at her smiling.

"When are you off? I wouldn't mind company while cage shopping. If you're interested that is."

A mans voice was heard in the back calling for her. She smiled really big and giggled walking backwards towards the kitchen, holding up her fingers to show four. He nodded and walked toward the car. He felt a little bit lighter after his conversation with her. Maybe he could stick around a few days and kill some time with her. He didn't have to hurry to be anywhere.

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