"After you sweetheart." Tully grinned his evil grin and motioned for Juice to walk into the room ahead of him. Juice felt nothing about the gesture, he had long since learned that Tully could play a crowd. He knew his audience well and would never disappoint. The grin only looked threatening to the guard. The door slammed loudly behind them, the light for the camera went off, finally Tully let out a breath.

"So baby, you're so full of surprises you know that." It wasn't a question, and Juice knew Tully didn't like surprises. He circled the smaller man, who didn't back down from his gaze. "You keep popping up here, breaking down the front door of the prison. If I didn't know better baby, I'd say you're growing a spine. Makes you a dangerous man baby boy. Papi, likes it when you show your teeth like that."

Juice tried not to grimace at the words, while his heart rate increased steadily. He knew where this was going, Tully was horny. The kind of horny that meant he wasn't getting out of this unscathed. He inwardly rolled his eyes, readying himself to play his part, watching the monster bring itself back out of this man.

"I know you do Papi. I try to keep you happy." He smiled, hoping it looked genuine.

Tully moved away from him, pleased at how Juice had responded. He knew they were dancing a very technical dance. Juice had learned the steps well; he was blossoming into his own. Regardless of what Juice thought, this is what Tully had wanted. He wanted to him to do more than survive, the only way Tully knew how to do that was to be the guy on top.

"Sit. Let's talk first." Tully sat delicately in his chair, waiting for Juice to sit as well, a motion that did not escape Juices attention.

"Got tired of waiting for you to text me. I need to know where your girl is. You know I can find her myself, but I'm giving you the opportunity to make this less painful for her." Juices voice was one Tully had never heard before. The voice of a man who'd kill before being killed. The voice that belonged to the man he used to be. No, the voice of a man more dangerous than the man he used to be.

Intrigued, Tully cocked his head to the side. "How do you mean?"

"I mean, if she has Amber, and we both know she does... I will kill her. We both know she is jealous that I exist. She knows the real me. She is a threat. Who do you love more Papi? The daughter that hates you, or the man whose here with you now?" Juice was pulling out all the stops, the murderous voice laced with a sultry sweetness only Juice was capable of possessing.

Tully could tell he was serious, completely serious. Still no one could shake the shot caller, he didn't get to the top by being shaken. "Do you have to kill her? I mean can't we just scare her a little?" He knew the answer was no, but bargaining is what people in the lesser position did. He would play along with Juice. For one it was hot as hell watching him be in charge like this, and two, he was a man with nothing to lose.

"We both know how this ends Papi. Amber is all I got outside these walls." He circled the table, pacing more from his lack of ability to sit still. "She doesn't even care about you." He walked up behind the man, knowing good and well the larger man could raise and snap his neck. He wrapped his arms around his waist and laid his head on his back between his shoulders. "Not like I do Papi. Do you know what I've planned for you? Just for you."

Tully couldn't help the rush in his veins at the feeling of his boys arms around him. That uniform he had on, was really a vice, Juice looked and felt so good. In prison, things like that didn't happen every day. Inwardly he knew Juice was playing with him. They were both playing a game, cat and mouse. Tully did care for the idiot though, more than he was supposed to. Enough to let him have his money, he'd give him everything. As if this one man could right so many wrongs.

Juice tugged at Tully until he turned to face him, and then he settled himself on the man's lap. Positioning himself so that his weight was on one knee, legs between his. His head nuzzled into Tully's neck, he breathed softly, knowing exactly what he was doing.

Juice was in charge, things were different now, he could leave. He was in charge of Tully, had been for a while. He just had to make it known how serious he was, he would get what he wanted. Though the pit in his stomach still left him confused with a sour taste in his mouth. He felt safe and comfortable sitting on this man's lap. He shouldn't, especially not after what he had said earlier, but he did. He wanted it, the familiarity of it, the safety, the comfort. He should be repulsed, and he was, though not at Tully he was repulsed at himself. He was stooping to this man's game, playing with his heart, his emotions, ultimately his cock. He was no different than before, a kept lover, a paid hand. He felt anger rise within him as his body shook.

He had to regain control; he knew Tully would see through all of this if he let his anxiety get the better of him. His strong hand ran down his back, soothing him to his core. Juice left a kiss on his neck, before biting down a little harder than he meant too. The salty yet clean taste of Tully filled his mouth, familiar. Making the unwanted desire bubble inside his gut. "That guard is a bad man Papi." He breathed his words seductively into the man's ear.

Tully's breath hitched, changing from its calm pace to a faster lustier one. "What did he do baby?" His lips ran over Juices sharp jaw bones, nibbling his ear in the way he knew would rouse a satisfying response.

Juice moaned, involuntarily, but Tully knew how to manipulate his body. Would it really be so wrong to take what he needed? He deserved something good right? As much as he hated it, Tully was good. A shiver traveled down his spine at the thought. His gut churned in protest though as he thought of how Tully had sat down earlier, how the man was curled in his bunk, alone. How he'd been beaten before and how he seemed off from his usual predatory self.

Someone had hurt him, in the way only Tully could hurt someone. Juice knew Tully hurt plenty of people, himself included. Yet he had always made sure Juice was high, lubed and out of it when he did what he had to do. He was gentle and eventually tried to make sure he enjoyed it. It just became a part of life, a thing that you do. Juice initiated it a time or two, Juice wasn't a victim, just a means of survival. That's what he told himself to make things better. He was not a victim. As much as Tully deserved whatever horrible things happened to him Juice couldn't, wouldn't except them. No one could hurt Tully, no one. Right?

"He thought I was here to kill you, he let me in. He's not one of your men Papi." Juice put his hands-on Tully's face, making eye contact with the devil himself. That should have been terrifying but what was behind those eyes was much worse.

"Someone hurt you Papi. That man let them. That man you pay to keep you safe. He's a traitor."

Tully's eyes flickered, emotion rolling through them like a casino slot machine, finally settling on blank. "What do you mean baby? Andrews is on my take. He wouldn't do that."

"Papi, you know as well as I do, everyone in this suit will sell to the highest bidder. Someone, probably a lot of people hate you. Someone has the means to outbid you. Andrews has to go."

That dangerous Juice was back, his eyes cold and dark, sent a shiver up Tully's spine. He knew Juice was right, how else would that have happened. The fact that his boy knew someone got to him bothered him more though. He was supposed to protect Juice, how would he protect him if someone was out to get him?

"Don't worry Papi, I meant what I said. It's been handled. Let me make you feel better Papi." The coldness didn't leave his eyes, his hands mechanically moved over Tully's body in that old familiar way they used too. Still they felt good on Tully's bruised, untouched skin. He melted into his boys' touch, savoring it.

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