Juice woke up the next morning to his phone buzzing beside his head. He answered it quickly, hoping it was Amber.

"Hello?" His voice was heavy with sleep.

"Hey baby boy. Good morning?"  The deep voice drawled quietly through the phone. Juice didn't say anything, his heart sinking. What could he possibly want at this time of the day?
"Did I wake you? It's morning there now right? I waited as long as I could."

Juice groaned in annoyance. "It's seven thirty Tully. What, is it like four AM there?"

Tully chuckled quietly.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd go ahead and talk to you. It's not just a random call baby. I promise it's important."

Juice rolled his eyes, he wanted to sleep more.
"What is it Tully?" He couldn't hide the frustration in his voice, nor the sleepiness.

"You could try to sound happy to hear from me ya know. You're much nicer when you text."

Juice got himself out of the bed, trying not to punch a wall. Whatever this hold this man had on him he needed to break it. He was pliable to the mans manipulations, conditioned to submit. Worse even was that he couldn't ever figure out if he hated it or hated himself for feeling safe in spite of it. He walked into the bathroom and started to pee. He didn't even care the other man could likely hear it, hell he'd seen him piss many times before.
"M sorry Papi. Jus' sleepy is all." He cringed, he hadn't meant to given in like that. He knew it was just putting fuel in the fire.

That name... Papi, was something that started because he'd felt like being a brat really. He knew the AB didn't like his Puerto Rican heritage, he had felt like rubbing it in his cell mates face a little. His memory flashed back to the moment he said it, even he wore a playful smirk as he openly teased or risked pushing his cell mate. The man had given him his laundry to fold, a task he'd been given every week. He looked at him defiantly, smirking when the words si Papi left his lips.
He remembered the face Tully had made at him, as if he was pleased that Juice was being playful. Don't go speaking that spic shit baby. Juice had shrank away, his smirk leaving his face as he braced for the impact of a fist to his face. Instead Tully had been gentle when he gripped his chin and tilted his face up towards his own. You can call me Papi though. I like it. He'd let go quickly and walked back to the other side of the cell leaving Juice standing there in a complete state of confusion.
He'd mentally patted himself on the back that day, he'd had nothing, no control over anything, yet the term of assumed endearment seemed to hold some sort of power. Power he would use frequently throughout his incarceration, and evidently now in his prison of the free world.

Tully made a humming sound which Juice took to mean his new tone was acceptable.

"We're you out late partying? You know how I feel about you getting fucked up. It's not safe."

Juan held the phone away from his ear and sighed.
"I know. I didn't party. Was just up late."

He knew the man was stalling, keeping him on the phone as long as he could. However time on the phone in prison was limited.

"So uh, what was so important you lost sleep over it Papi?" He made his voice sound as cheerful as he could.

"Mmhm. Well baby boy, I've received word that your business shares have been successfully sold. The money has been deposited into an account one of my guys set up specifically for the occasion. So that part is done. Went much smoother than I expected it to go honestly."

The line was quiet for a moment while Juice collected his thoughts.

"So that's good right? What about my actual account has it been closed out yet?"

"No not yet. Trying to accomplish one thing at a time. Since you didn't leave a will or power of attorney it's been a little difficult getting everything taken care of. That fictional family member of yours has however started the process. Speaking of baby boy, did you know that a Fillip Telford was listed as your emergency contact? We've had to work out some things with him on our end, to access your accounts."

Juice froze. Why was he working with the club? Why was Chibs in control of any of his stuff?

"Why does Chibs have anything to do with this?"

"Well darlin, when you die in prison with no listed family, your emergency contact becomes your legal default of your estate. Now he doesn't know you're alive, just thinks you agreed to give me everything for protecting you. I played it real good sweetheart."

Juice didn't know what to say, the club or Chibs rather was just freely handing over everything. Throwing him out with the trash basically. It was salt in an infected wound.
"Oh. Okay. Well thank you for handling everything for me Papi." He knew his voice now sounded sad, it was pointless.
Tully hummed into the phone again.
"You know I'll always take care of you baby. Try not to think about that life so much. Guard is coming to get me. It's almost time for shift change. I'll talk to you soon."

For once Juice was actually disappointed he had to cut the call short. He was depressed now thinking about Chibs and the club. His own brothers literally sold him over to this man, to hurt him, to break him, with false promises of taking him back. The very man they wanted to kill him was the very man that was giving him a new start. Whether it be intentional or not, this man was giving him confidence he hadn't had before, for the first time he believed he could live without the club. Their betrayal though, hurt like a thousand cuts, far worse than any betrayal he had accidentally committed.

"Talk to you later." He hung up the phone.
Well with his business sold, and Chibs signing over his appointed power of attorney Tully could get their plans into full swing. Soon he could open an account for Micheal and have the money sent over. His previous accounts could be closed, his storage buildings would soon be emptied and shipped somewhere permanently. Slowly, very slowly his life was coming together, though he knew this was barely the tip of the ice berg.

Sooner or later he would have to face himself, his inner demons, this girl he was supposed to find and ultimately he'd have to face Tully.

He went back over to the bed, it was only eight thirty, he had plenty of time to sleep more before he would need to decide to check out or stay another day. He hoped he'd hear from Amber, he was looking forward to seeing her bike. He at least wanted to tell her goodbye properly before left on his mission.

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