He decided to skip going to the bank, and instead went to an ATM. His card had a PIN number, so doing an inquiry was easy. Really he wasn't sure why he didn't think of this sooner. He didn't take Amber with him, or even tell her he was going when he slipped out of the room down the hall from her. He hoped she was actually sleeping, maybe he'd make it back unnoticed.

He tried not to look suspicious, though he felt suspicious. Technically anywhere he went, if he used the card Tully could track him. He'd know where he was, what city he was in, the hair on his neck stood up with a chill. He wondered if that had been part of the plan, getting him on his account, providing him with a card. Not only would he have some sort of power over him, he'd be able to keep up with him also. He thought about it, decided next time he went somewhere he'd get cash back. He could explain spending a couple hundred dollars on groceries at a new place but he couldn't explain a couple hundred from an ATM.

He slid the card in, the PIN was Tully's birthday. Juice cringed when he realized the numbers, 1569. For someone who wasn't fond of holidays he made sure everyone knew it was his birthday, and his whole block celebrated. Inquiry.

The account balance that populated on the screen made Juice choke. He shook his head and looked again, rubbed his eyes, squinted, still the number stayed the same. The realization that this wasn't the mans only account startled him even more. He didn't know how many business accounts the man had, but this one was his actual personal account. Business for the AB was apparently really good, like really really good.

The guilt he had over using the bastards funds shriveled up just a little bit. Hell the man wouldn't even really notice anything he spent, cept for Juice knew he watched his accounts like a hawk. Every dime would be accounted for, though Tully says he doesn't have to pay it back he knows very well he could change his mind any time.

He was signing papers for the apartment first thing the next morning. He could take the receipt from the ATM and hope they'd accept it until he could convince Tully to let him get a statement. Hell, he could pay for the entire year up front, he could pay his tuition for the entire year, and still barely make a dent.

He hated the excitement that ran through him, how it filled him with a little bit of undeserved pride that someone like Tully would do this for him. His own Sugar Daddy really, all he had to do was pout and bat his eye lashes, flirt a little and the man would give him anything he wanted. He knew it was wrong, manipulation like this. At the same time he felt justified in it, nothing he could do would be as bad anything Tully has done. It was almost as if the bastard actually cared, as if they weren't both playing some game. They both had to know they were pawns for each other board, but neither of them mentioned it. Just danced around it, as if this fucked up life was typical.

He fucking hated Tully, he wanted to hate him, needed to hate him. Unfortunately he also needed him, felt protected by him, so he continued playing. He started trying to plan what he'd say, how he'd present the idea of paying for the apartment. He could ask about his account, when they'd be set up, and then mention the apartment. Surely Tully would just say to go ahead right? He did say whatever was his was Juices. He also said that it was his as long Juice belonged to him. Could he really afford that type of debt?

He made his way back to his hotel room, pulled out his laptop. He hadn't hacked in a while, now seemed like a good time to start. He could hack the prison files, figure out which Sons where there and what for. He decided instead to set up the documents he'd need for school, create a transcript, test scores, he'd need a medical history. He poured himself into his computer, literally building a life, making sure Roberto Miguel had as much in common with Juan Carlos as he had differences. There were so many things he had to put together and things he probably hadn't thought of, but he could cross that bridge when he got to it.

Again that shutter went through him, he thought about how Tully would be proud of him for putting everything together. Thinking like one of them, he'd say he taught him something. The unfortunate truth was that he had. The man he wanted to hate gave him more survival skills than his club, took his nerves and cut them into the quick. Severing his thoughts of morally correct, and replacing them with surviving and getting ahead. Why else would he be playing Tully's game? He knew he was nothing like the Nazi Bastard, but in some ways, he was just as ruthless.

He swore once he got his life together he'd be legit. No more crime, no more sugar daddy Tully, no more running. He'd have a normal life, he'd do normal things, he'd leave all of this behind. He'd escaped death, prison, the Sons, he could escape this too. Right?

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