Weeks had passed in a haze, Juice hadn't heard from Amber, he hadn't been back to the prison. He was shut off, actually alone except for the occasional text from Tully. Why was it that every time he was alone Tully was the one that was still there? It didn't help his confusion.
He sat at his counter spooning cereal around in the bowl absently. He knew he was loosing weight again. He didn't have an appetite and he craved benzos, uppers, downers, he didn't care. He wanted to get high. He was sober, had promised to stay sober, but what did a promise to that monster matter?

Today was his first day of class, he was a regular guy. What a joke, he'd never be regular. Everyone would see right through him, know how worthless he really was. Amber didn't think he was worthless, but she fucked him and ran. Whatever, he didn't need her. He'd be fine. He peeled himself away, dumping the cereal into the trash bowl and all.

His hair was thick now, covering his head evenly, he shaved his stubble which added to his boyish look.

First day of class! He sent a selfie to Tully, and just for the sake of hope he sent it to Amber also. Stuffing his phone into his pocket he raced down the stairs if his apartment building booking it to his car.

Finding his classroom was not easy, the campus was much larger than he thought it was. He was already a nervous wreck, anticipating all this "new." Being a student again, meeting people, hoping they liked him, pretending to not be garbage.

He wore simple jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt. He figured that was typical enough he could pass as a regular student. He looked around and the people coming and going around the campus, they seemed to vary in age. He needed to blend in but find a group, there seemed to be many groups. A smoke would be good right now, but smoking was a dirty habit, one Tully had said he wouldn't fund.

Finding the room, he decided to take a seat furthest from the front as he could get. Trying not to be noticed by anyone walking in, he scrolled through his phone. He thought about the social medial sites, but thought better of it. He'd surely be found on one of those. Buzzz
Looking good. Let me know how it goes.
Of course Tully replied, he had nothing else to do.

I will. I'm nervous.
He knew he should be paying attention, the class would start any minute now. He didn't want too though. Somehow talking to Tully helped him feel normal, at least he had someone to text.

Don't be nervous. When is your class?

Juice scoffed, how could he not be nervous? He had to remember so many things. Remember his name, remember not to be a freak. Remember he's not like everyone else and is also older than them even though he looks the same age.

Here now. Waiting for it to start. There's so many people in here.

He sat his phone down when the professor came in. He decided he needed to hack a school and forge some transcripts. Skip all this horseshit core classes, he just wanted to get to the tech stuff.

Pay attention! I'll wait for you to let me know how it goes. You got this baby.

Micheal! Good luck.

He about fell out of his chair when Ambers message came through. Before he could reply a few more buzzed in.
Im so sorry. Please don't hate me.

Call me when you get out of class.

He read the messages over and over, ignoring whatever the teacher was talking about. The hour went by much faster than expected, he was glad for it though. He bolted from the room as soon as they were dismissed.

He paced the courtyard as his phone rang, his heart raced as if it were going to explode.
Hello? Her voice came through the phone.

Amber? I'm so glad you answered. He sighed with relief, he was still shaking.

How are you Micheal? Her voice shook, he could tell she was uncomfortable.

I'm fine. What happened Amber? He kicked at a rock on the ground. I haven't heard from you in over a month, you just ran out. I've been worried.

He could tell she was crying by the way she spoke. I'm okay Micheal. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm so sorry.

He could hear another voice in the background, he tried not to think to much of it. If she were home there would be other people. Right?
Call me later? I've got to get to my next class.

She inhaled, making a muffled grunting noise. Okay, I'll try.

Amber? Are you okay! What's going on? Amber?
The line went dead.

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