They were in Kentucky when they decided to stop to sleep. They still had eight hours to go but Juice was exhausted, Amber was asleep. He pulled into the lot of a decent looking hotel and parked. He closed the map on his phone looking up the hotel online so he could book a room. He thought for a moment, he should probably get two just to be safe. He didn't want to presume she would want to stay with him. Truthfully he kind of wanted his privacy, as much as he hated being alone, sometimes he needed it.

His heart dropped into his stomach when he went back to his home screen and saw the notifications. While the map was up nothing would come in. He felt a little funny about it honestly because it didn't seem like Tully's style to call repeatedly or to blow up his inbox. He couldn't tell if the man was genuinely worried or really pissed off. Given the previous events it was possible he was worried but why would the Nazi be worried about him?

He scrolled through the messages before replying to them in one go.

I am so sorry I worried you Papi. I didn't mean too. Was driving and had my notifications turned off so the map would work. It's midnight here now, so I guess it's after 9 there? If you want, I'll call you when I get to the room. I stopped at a hotel for the night.

He sent it, not sure if he'd get a reply or not. Worried about what the reply would be and then angry for even caring at all that he'd worried the asshole. It was after lights out and unless Tully had made changes he didn't keep the phone in his cell.

Juice was grabbing a bag from the backseat, about to wake Amber when his phone pinged.

Call me

He knew that it wasn't a simple request, it was a command. He shoved the phone into his pocket and woke her gently.

"Hey, I got us booked here. Come on." She looked up at him with bleary eyes.

"Where are we?" She asked through a yawn.

He helped her out of the car, before popping the trunk and grabbing his backpack. "Kentucky."

She looked surprised but didn't say anything, just nodded and followed him inside.

The rooms were nice, they were side by side, with an adjoining door. It was nice, being able to be close but also separate. Each room was the same, king bed, bathroom, fridge, cheap coffee, they didn't argue over who got what. Once she excused herself to shower he cracked the door separating them and sank into his bed.

Like the obedient captive he was he pulled out his phone and called.

AB Butchers, you stab em we slab em. The Nazi drawled into the phone. Juice didn't know why but it made him laugh, he hated the fact the man could be funny when he wanted to be.

"It's just me."

Tully grunted in agreement. Hey baby. You alright?

Juice rolled his eyes, how long did this have to go on. When he found the girl he was delivering her or whatever he was supposed to do and then getting the hell out of dodge.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking. You alright?"

Now Tully laughed in a predatory way, making Juices spine tingle.
Why wouldn't I be?

Of course he was fine, how stupid could Juice be. The Nazi didn't give a fuck about him, just doesn't want to be found. Juice sighed conflicted in his feelings of hurt and agitation.

"You sounded worried before." He didn't even try to hide the hurt in his voice. He'd long since given up and semblances of pride so he may as well just be honest with the only person he can be honest with.

Whose your friend?

"Just someone I met. She's nice, she helped me out in Miami."

Tully scoffed but Juice couldn't tell if it were serious or playful.

I can help you out ya know. You just don't let me. Unless you need things only I seem to be able to give you. I'm a little hurt baby.

Guilt panged Juices heart, and then anger. Why would he feel bad for using the man, for anything? Especially his money. The man had helped himself to his ass on plenty occasions he could get something out of it. So what if it made him technically a prostitute, that was better than being a victim.

"That's not true, you've helped me a lot. I'm trying to get to a place where you don't have too anymore." He sounded apologetic and if Tully could see him now he knew the Nazi would cave at the big eyes and pouty look he probably had.

I don't do anything I don't want to do baby. Remember that.
"Papi, I just don't want to be alone all the time. I made a friend okay. Can that please just be okay?"

Juice had cut him off before even realizing it. He just needed to get the stress off of his chest. Tully still had the power to have him killed, having the man on his good side was preferable. Not only that, there weren't many people who liked him at all, the Nazi was one of the few left, save for Amber at this point. He didn't want to lose whatever fucked up fantasy of a friendship they had.

Tully hummed now, the way he did when he was thinking. Juice could see his contemplative look in his memory, how his brow would be furrowed and he chewed his bottom lip, in a nervous way that gave a glimpse at the man this monster probably used to be.

You can have friends baby. I just want you to be careful. You're not good at picking good ones or making good choices. I worry about you out there. I can't protect you from everything when you're not standing in front of me.

Juice was taken aback by the statement. Did this mean the bastard did care? Even if just a little bit? Or was this some sort of manipulation to lull him into a false sense of security? He couldn't tell and he didn't like it.
You fuckin her?
There it was, the question Juice was hoping they would get past. Tully's own personal way of ruining anything and reminding him he thought of Juice as more than a chess piece. He was his, whether he wanted to be or not.

"No, she thinks you're my boyfriend. She thinks I'm gay, and considering I haven't had a boner in long time I didn't have reason nor the guts to correct her."

Tully laughed again, a loud deep bellow. Whatever was funny about this Juice didn't know and he was getting angry.

I ain't been somebody's boyfriend in a long time. I won't bring up your hard ons or lack there of, seems to be a touchy topic at the moment. I just want you to be careful baby, that's all. Hey look, they're doing final counts. Gotta go baby.

"Bye Papi." Juice barely sputtered out before the line disconnected. He sounded disappointed, he was frankly. He still had things to say, but because he was here and Tully was there (thank God he was there) their conversations would often be cut, this would never change.
Then Juice shuttered, he realized he'd called him Papi, on his own. No reason for it, it just fell out of his mouth, an old habit perhaps but he knew he was also trying to reassure the con they were safe. Why the fuck did he want to do that? If Tully got caught by the wrong guard he'd lose his phone for a while, at least until someone on his payroll brought him a new one. Why did he want the man to feel like he wasn't losing him?

Because the only comfort he'd known, the only protection and safety he'd been given hadn't came from the men who were supposed to love him. It came from the bastard Nazi who wasn't ready to give up his play thing. Juice wasn't ready to let go of the feeling that someone important had his back.

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