It was 1 AM when Juice barged into the prison, brow furrowed, eyes piercingly clear for probably the first time in ages. He had managed to get past the main gate no problem, the man on duty wasn't even paying attention. Just some fat fucker who needed some cash, probably still in college. Juice simply told him who he was there to see, much to his amazement the man opened the gate. Now he stood in front a security guard who was barely awake and an angry looking receptionist. This part would be tougher but at the moment he didn't give two shits about anyone in there, or their rules.

He eyed the man for moment, and then presented his ID. " Here to see Tully. Off the books, legal meeting." He took a page straight out of Tully's play book. If you look and act like you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, no one will question you. He looked the man dead in the eye, laid down his manila folder with the cash inside and nodded slightly in acknowledgement as the guard let him through.

"Boss man expecting a spic. I know you aint no lawyer." The guard drawled in a southern accent so thick he didn't belong in California.

Juice didn't flinch at the insult, just kept his head forward. " No, he aint expecting me this time. He knows the drill though."

The guard shook his head and opened the door to the meeting room. "You either real brave or real stupid. Boss man don't like to be woke up. I aught ta take you down there and let you wake up the demon."

Juice smiled his sweet smile, the one that made Tully be nice to him and won over most of the female population. "I will, if that's necessary. He likes my face more than yours."

The guard being the ignorant piece of garbage that he is, decided the potential entertainment of this fool being beat to a pulp was worth it. He chortled a sadistic laugh and led him past the meeting room and into the main corridor for intake. "I'll take you too him, you have twenty minutes, and the both of you need to be back here in this corridor."

Juice for a moment was taken back by the statement. He couldn't believe the idiot was going to take him into the actual prison. he righted his stride and continued as if it were the most natural thing.

The guard grabbed him by the shoulder stopping them in front of a room marked officers only beyond this point. Juice tried not to flinch at the touch, but he jerked away.

"Wait here idiot. I'm going to suit you up, don't want anyone seeing you come in here. I aint got the cameras off."

For a flash of a second Juice was confused, and then the guard emerged from the room holding a stack of blue folded clothes. They were not prison issued garb but instead a guard's uniform, complete with cheesy hat. Juice arched a brow, trying not to look at the guy as if he thought he was an idiot. "Is the hat necessary?" He kept his tone neutral, gesturing to the lack of hat on the other man's head.

He replied with a crooked predatory grin. "Tully has his preferences. He's got a real hard on for a uniform."

Juice cringed internally already knowing this fact about the man. He had seen plenty of his stashed porn magazines in their cell. Going back into the monsters' lair, dressed like a Christmas turkey, was not at the top of his to do list. However, he had brought himself here and there was no going back now. He had to follow through, if that meant being something Tully was going to jerk off to for a while, then he would just have to deal. He took a breath, pulling himself together and getting back in control of the situation. He pulled the uniform on, buckling everything so that it was perfect. He primped a little extra just to annoy the guard and give him something to gossip about later.

"We ready?" He situated the hat on top of his head and smiled brightly. He made his eyes extra big and tilted his head, making himself look more innocent than he was, knowing the guard thought he was just some stupid toy anyway.

"Boss man is gonna love this. Let's go pretty boy." They made their way down the hallway, without speaking anymore until they reached the final door. Juice knew he wouldn't be going with him because he couldn't leave his post for that long. Fortunately he had memorized the print of the prison, he was sure he could figure out where Tully was easily. The guard put his hand on the handle to the door and turned to look at Juice. "He know you're spending his money like this? Guess you're doin it for him, but he's so particular about his money."

Juice smile genuinely now, this buffoon had no idea that Juice just had free reign of the account. That Juice was essentially in charge. Juice was in charge because Juice was on the outside. Juice had access; his name was on the account. Well his new name, but that is trivial. This idiot didn't really know Tully at all. Everyone who knew Tully, knew how he felt about his things, Juice was his thing. Despite having a new name, Tully would have already made it known that Michael belonged to him, after that one meeting in gen pop that day. This guard was clueless, and was just taking money from Juice, because he said he was there for Tully. Juice could be there to kill him; this man didn't know. Obviously, he was on whichever take would pay the most.

For an infuriating reason Juice couldn't put his finger on, this really bothered him. Why did this man call his Tully, boss man? Why did he act as if he gave a fuck about Tully when he just let him in to kill him? This was unacceptable, Juice decided right then, this man would be dealt with. A shiver went down his spine at his own thought. He was thinking like Tully would, all the time spent with the man, manipulating the man, he'd learned from the man. The monster part of him had faded bits at a time, Juice got to see parts of him no one else did, but even still the man was a monster. He knew it was all a game, a sick game, that would result in one of their deaths. He was playing Russian roulette with his life every time he entered these doors, yet he couldn't stay away.

Why was he here now? In part to prove a point and get information, but also in part because he needed to see Tully. He needed to see him, because his presence was comforting even though it made his skin crawl.

"He knows I spent some to come see him. Don't you worry about me sir. I'll be just fine. Now could you be so kind as to tell me where to go?"

The guard quickly gave him instructions and opened the door for him. Juice swallowed as he walked through the threshold back into a place, he never wanted to see the inside of ever again. The prison was dark and quiet, in that loud quiet way only a prison can be. It stunk of body odor and bleach, a smell that would stick inside his nose for a long time. He repeated the directions in his mind over and over as he made turns down corridors making his way through the prison.

He made it to Tully's cell, it was a single cell with a big metal door. The kind with a small window and not bars. He was isolated, shut off from everyone. This tugged at Juice because he also knew as much as Tully liked his space, they were similar in their need to not be alone. He hoped that maybe the man was only separated at night, because isolation wasn't something he could wish even on his worst enemy. He stood outside the door for a long time, turning the pass card over in his hands. A part of him wanted to go in and wake the man, a part of him was terrified to do so and another part of him was enjoying watching him sleep. He looked so much less threatening in his sleep, peaceful almost.

A cough from an inmate somewhere nearby brought him out of his thoughts. He straightened his uniform and buzzed open the door. 

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