Juice already had assignments, first week of school and he had two papers due by the end. He wanted to finish the program do something legit with his life. Somehow become everything he was told he would never be.
He couldn't focus because he was still waiting to hear from Tully. Fucking Tully, his complicated feelings about the man made everything worse. He drummed his pen on the counter top staring blankly at the book in front of him. He kept picking the phone up and sitting it down, looking at the screen waiting for a text or a call.

Hours had passed and nothing. Sure Tully had asked for a day, but the man was capable of anything. Juice fully believed that, the man probably chose how the stars went into the sky each night. He could get Amber if he wanted too. The rage, fear and raw emotion that filled him was something primal, he'd only felt it a few times before. He'd felt it when he shot Miles, when the Mayans stripped his cut in the Chickenmans truck, in Belfast. He had the resources, he could find this stupid bitch and bring her in. He could be Tully's worse nightmare.

He finished up his review sheet as quickly as he could so he could get down to tracking. Even when he'd had the club, he'd been alone. They used him when they needed him and didn't give a fuck otherwise. He'd always been alone and he'd always be alone. Tully was his only, dare he say friend? No, but he was someone. He loved Amber, she was his true friend, someone that mattered. Tully was just a necessary evil. He hated that he needed the man at all, but he accepted the game he had to play. He was good at it after all.

He had a sinking feeling that Tully wouldn't be able to find Amber. What if his daughter didn't have her? What if he helped his kid? He needed Tully on the outside, this arrangement just wasn't working.
He pulled up Tully's inmate log again from his computer, looking over various facts about the man. His list of visitors wasn't very long, meaning most of his visits were off the books. There was one girl though, early twenties.

After a few hours of digging on her a few things became obvious. Either Tully was in denial about his baby girls activities, didn't know about them, or his idea of a stand up citizen and the rest of the worlds idea was very different. She was a lot hotter than Juice had expected her to be, sure, she could be supermodel, like Tully had said. Her mug shots, and social media platforms surprised him, nothing Tully had said about her appeared to be true. She didn't appear to have anything in common with Tully accept her natural looks. For a flash of a moment he felt bad for Tully, he obviously cared for the girl, and she obviously lied to her daddy.

The thought of her being attractive made him feel a little sick. She looked just like him, except with softer, more feminine features. In all of the pictures except her mugshot she is dressed to kill. Long sandy blonde hair in some, dyed jet black in others, fluorescent red, purples, dreads at one point, pixie cuts, and rockabilly twists he couldn't name. She had a unique style for sure, an odd mix between a rocker and a pin up girl, and the occasional preppy looking girl that matched the good girl description her father had given. There were colorful tattoos scattered over various parts of her visible skin, in some pictures she had a loop in her septum, two in her lip. Others she had none, but hyper femme make up perfectly painted on. Nothing about her looked like anything Tully would approved of. Of course Juice didn't know much about the man prior to his time inside.

A few photos of her smiling genuinely with friends her eyes sparkled a bright happy green. In the majority her eyes were two big almond shaped voids, dark and suspicious like her fathers. They weren't the lovely green the man had described, there was no fleck of green present in most of the pictures. Her eyes sent a chill up Juices spine, he'd know those eyes anywhere. They were the eyes of a very dangerous person, cold, calculated and intelligent. Juice had no doubt he was going to battle. Given Tully's demeanor and response Juice could only assume he'd have cause to worry. The love a father has for his daughter was amazing to Juice, it was as if it caused blindness. Tully's Achilles heel in a way, his one soft spot. The spot no one apparently knew existed, except for now Juice and a few AB guys on the outside. The man obviously knew she was a little unhinged, but Juice could tell it didn't matter. Tully would never hurt her, no more than he'd hurt him. A revolution that made his insides churn.

It was a little past midnight and his head was running. He couldn't sleep, he was too wired. Tully practically owned the prison, which brought a realization to Juice. By association, he owned the prison. By association, if he worked just right, he was untouchable, invincible, and capable of so many things.

Amber was the only person he'd cared about, the only person who seemed to not give a shit about who he was. She was a good friend. His only friend, the fact that his stink had seeped onto her was not acceptable. He cried for a brief moment, tears falling as he plotted how to get her back. He looked back up at the screen, those evil eyes staring back at him, a smirk adorned the lips that no longer looked happy but mocking. He slammed the computer shut, feeling the anger seep in.

Something inside him clicked, as if the wound rotting him since Charming finally festered. Killing him, pushing away Juan Carlos Ortiz, finally, he was dead. A true rebirth was taking place, and the man he could become was something terrifying. He held on to his humanity, he didn't want to be a bad person, but was being bad in the name of good really that bad?

He threw some items into a bag, shoved his gun into his pants, pulled on his cap and left the apartment. He was going to the prison, he had demands. Demands that would be met.

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