"I love you"

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"Well, he's alive but....." Gabe drifted off. "Buttttttttt....." Clem saying and wanting Gabe to continue. "It's best not to say anything right now it's getting late, Goodnight" Gabe Said. But before Clem could ask anymore questions, Gabe went into his hut. Clem didn't even get to meet his people, she could see huts but she thought best to not disturb the people. "Cmon Louis lets go" Clem said.

On there way  back Louis decided to ask Clem - a question. "So umm Clem" Louis Said. "Yes Louis" "well I was wondering what does Gabe mean to you?" "Louis, I promise Gabe is just a friend, I mean I might of that of him as more but that's was years ago. I promise I only love you" Those last words hit her, they never said they loved each other before. "Oh shoot shoot shoot" Clem thought. "Dammit did I just ruin our relation-" but Clem's thoughts were interrupted. "I love you to Clem" Louis said, so happy you can hear it in his voice.

When they got to school, Clem was greeted by a warm hug by AJ. Which slightly made her lose her balance a bit. "Wow easy there kiddo" "Sorry Clem but looked what I did" AJ then pulled something from behind his shirt. It was picture of Clem, AJ and Louis, and on the top it said "Family". "Awww AJ thank you it's means a lot" She then thought she show it to Louis later.  "Guys,cmon it's time" Louis said. "Speak of the devil" Clem thought. "So what are playing? " asked Violet. Ruby , Aasim, Violet, Louis and Clem went into play while the rest of the group went to bed. "We're playing the same thing that we did when Clem first arrived, highest card asked lowest answers" "Sounds alright to me" Ruby Said. "For once" Aasim comment. "Ouch" Louis said. "Cmon let's just play" Violet Said.

"So Clem, do you have siblings?" Ruby asked "No, I wished I did" Clem Said. "Definitely" Said Ruby.
"Ok Vi, have you ever drank alcohol before?" Aasim asked. "Ya, I thought I was grape juice" Violet said while chuckling." I almost did I was eleven, but one of my friends, Kenny, wouldn't let me." Said Clem. "You mentioned this "Kenny", what was he like?" Louis asked. "Well I been with him as long as I've been with AJ, but he lost a lot. He lost his wife and his child, Duck. You know, I never did say sorry for putting the bug under his pillow." Clem Said. There was silence. "But Kenny died because of me, we got in a car crash and it was my fault." "It isn't Clem, bad things happen to everyone." Said Violet.
"Louis how much to you like Clem?" Asked Aasim. Clem looked at him and gave him that playful eye-roll. "Hmm well since you asked" Louis said.

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