"What were you thinking?!"

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"So have you ever fished before?" Louis Asked Gabe and Javi. "Um no not that I can think of." Responded Javi. They were on their way to the shack to get some fish before it turned dark. "Honestly me too, I've only been here a couple times, so I'm not that's good. I don't know why Clem told ME to come here" Louis said. Probably because she wanted me with Gabe. Louis thought and sighed. "So how did you meet Clem?" Louis Asked. "Oh well the first time I meet her is when she basically handcuffed me." Javi said, while laughing. "That's Clem for you." Louis said. Gabe still hasn't spoken. "Well she was part of a group of people who, once were great I suppose, but they turned into something else." Gabe finally Said. "People?" Louis Asked. It was the first time he was interested in hearing of what Gabe had to say. "Ya they called themselves the New Frontier, my dad was part of it once until....." Gabe Said stopping at his last sentence. Louis new what that meant and didn't want to question it, he knows what it felt to lose someone. "She didn't tell you? I'm surprised, you should have noticed that big brand on her arm" Javi said. "Brand? What brand?" Louis Asked. "Ya they branded her, which I could tell she regrets deeply" Javi said. Louis didn't respond, all he could could think of was Clem and the brand. Why hadn't she shown it to ME or to anyone? Was she embarrassed? Did it hurt when they banded her? How can anyone ever do that? Louis was so lost in thought he didn't hear Javi and Gabe's conversation. "Oh and by the way did you know I had to kill someone for her?" Javi said. Louis was still in thought and didn't answer, so Javi took that as a note to keep talking. "I wouldn't have if Gabe here hadn't been held at gunpoint, man he was such a big dor-" but Javi was caught off. "Ahh look we are here guys" Gabe said nervously laughing while giving Javi the death stare.

"So you and Clem Huh?" Gabe Said. "Yup" Louis replied. "Heya guys I'm going to go a little further down to see if there is anymore fish, good luck!" Javi said and just like that's he took off. Really? Are you seriously leaving me with him? I guess that's was your plan though. Louis thought himself while groaning. Which Gabe did the same. "So how long have you known Clem before you got together?" Gabe kept asking. "Uhh like 2 weeks or something" Louis said. "What?!" Gabe said. "Yup" Louis said, whiling catching a fish. "Ha I got one." Louis said, while putting it in the bucket. But Gabe ignored the comment. "You haven't known her that long and your dating?!" Gabe Said. "Ya and she already feels like my soulmate" Louis said casually, which only made Gabe more madder. "So how long have YOU known her?" Louis Asked. Gabe opened his mouth to say something but then took it back. "Like 3 weeks" Gabe Said not that confidentially. Louis laughed. "Well then you had just as a good shot as me" Louis said. Gabe didn't respond. "Hey can you start fishing you haven't done-" But Louis was interrupted by someone tackling him to the ground. It was Gabe. He started hitting him and kept saying. "Don't you fucking dare get smart with me!" He roared. He kept punching him until Louis punched him with just enough force to get him off of him. "What is your problem?!" Louis Asked. "You and Clem is my problem, it should be me and her together!" Gabe yelled and was running towards Louis to give him another punch.

"What is your problem?!" Louis said. Javi looked up mad notice Gabe and Louis looking at each other while both were painting. He also noticed Gabe had a bloody nose. Shit! Javi thought he dropped his fishing stuff and ran start towards the boys. What did you do now Gabe?! I can't leave you alone for 5 seconds?! Javi thought while still running to the boys.

Gabe was running towards Louis to give him a other punch. Louis wasn't prepared for it and just closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come. But when he didn't feel it he opened his eyes to see Javi standing in front of him. He looked to the side and saw that Gabe fist was in Javi hand. He blocked him. He protected me. Louis thought. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Javi Asked. Gabe put his fist down. "I-I-" Gabe Said But nothing came out. "What happened?!" Javi Asked Louis. "Hey started talking about how it was unfair that I was dating Clem because I only knew her 2 weeks!" Louis yelled. Javi shook his head. "Gabe I thought you were over her.." Javi said while still shaking his head. Gabe remained silent,looking down at the ground. "Thank you Louis for acting responsible in this situation." Javi said. Louis nodded. "You go on ahead, I need to talk with him" Javi said while motioning his head at Gabe. "Do-Do you want me to get the fish-" but Javi interrupted Louis. "I got them, go along." Javi said in a stern voice. Louis nodded and went along, not wanting to get him more angry. Louis then touched his cheek and said "ouch" he then knew it was a bruise. He then went along into the woods. The only thing he could hear Javi say to Gabe was "You got your fathers temper" He Said. Well I'm glad I didn't know him. Louis thought and went to head back to the school.

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