"Your friends need you.."

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Clem's POV
"Lee!" Clem yelled. She ran to him and hugged him. Lee laughed. "I see you you traded that stump for a leg." He said. Clem let go of him and looked down at her leg, she had it back. She never noticed that it was missing. But then it hit her. "Wait..this is all just a dream..isn't it?" Clem mumbled sadly. Lee sighed and nodded his head. "Well you couldn't be stick with better people now could you?" Clem turned around when she heard a familiar voice. She saw those 2 other men sitting down. Then one of them turned around. "Kenny!" Clem yelled. She went up and hugged him. "Wow there now, I'm still an old man." Kenny responded with chuckle. Then another voice came in "Still a tough bastard though." Clem smiled at the sight of that voice. "You remember me right?" The man said. "Of course Luke!" Clem said going up to him and hugging. "Come sit here Clem." Kenny said motioning her to sit on the couch. All of them sat down at the couch. "Sorry more of us couldn't come, they just couldn't come." Luke said. "You mean....the others" Clem said a bit shocked. "Did you forgot all of us already?" Lee asked. There was a silence. "No..No! Of course not!" Clem said. "I mean it has been awhile...so..I wasn't gonna be surprised that you didn't recognize us." Luke said. "Of course I'd remember you guys. Your the reason I'm here now." Clem face dropped to smile to a horrified look. "Wait! What happened! The last thing I remember was getting shot and..." Clem stopped. "OMG Louis and AJ! The slashers must be here! If they are here that means.." But Clem's rambling was stopped by a hand on you shoulder. "That's what we wanted to talk about." Lee said. "Listen Clementine.. I don't know how to say this..but.." "A LOT of sh*t is gonna happened soon!" Kenny said interrupting Lee. Lee gave Kenny a look. "What?!" Kenny said. Lee didn't respond and turned back to Clem. "What you talking about?" Clem asked puzzled. Lee put his hand on Clem's shoulder "What I was TRYING to say was..things will get a little tougher once you wake up, but it'll be ok." Lee said. "How do you know what's going to happen in the future?" Clem asked Lee. Lee looked down, not answering for a second. But when he looked up, he was smiling. " I knew you were going to survive, didn't I? I always told you you could make it, and you did, farther than me even." Lee replied. Clem didn't know how to respond to that. Just then they all heard a sound. It sounded like a gentle bell. Lee sighed. All the men stood up and headed towards the front door. "Wait.. where are you guys going?" Clem asked following behind them. "It's time for us to go Clementine." Luke said sadly. "What?! You can't leave yet! T-ther is so much I have to tell you!" Clem said. "Come here." Luke said. She came close and then Luke grabbed her and gave her a hug. "Don't forget about us, ok?" Clem nodded sadly, and wiped her eyes. He then opened her front door. When he opened it, a bright white light shined through the door. "Goodbye Clem, it was good to see you again." Luke said. He then walked into the door and vanished. Kenny then turned to Clem. "Y'know when ever someone try's to give you sh*t, you give it to then right back right?" Kenny asked Clem. Clem chuckled. "Of course." Clem replied. "That's my girl." Kenny said while hugging Clem then walked to the door. The only one left was Lee. "You know you'll be ok right?" Lee asked Clem. Clem again wiped her eyes. "I-I think so.." Clem said. "I know that you'll be. You have friends taking care of you." Lee then smiled to himself. "You even got Molly watching over you. I knew she was strong, I wish I could meet her now." Lee said. Clem then hugged Lee. "I love you Lee." She said. Lee smiled and said "I love you too." They let go and Lee started walking towards the door, but then stopped. "Y'know..I've never mentioned this but..I've always liked you with that boy." He said. Louis? "You have to be strong Clem, for yourself, and for you friends because they need you.." He didn't wait for Clem to respond and then he walked into the door. Then all of a sudden the whole room turned bright, too bright, so Clem had to close her eyes. When she woke up she heard voices. "Clem! Your alright!" Clem got up and saw Ruby next to her. She looked around confused. "Lee..?" She mumbled to herself. She then got off the bed but quickly fell. "Oh my goodness Clem, relax for a bit." Ruby said while helping her up. Oh....my leg is still gone. When ruby helped her back in bed everything hit her. "Omg! What's happing! Are they here?!" Clem said. Ruby sighed. "Yes they are here and our group is battling outside with them as we speak." Ruby said. She then walked into a closet and got out something. "Here, for you leg." She said, and gave Clem her metal leg back. She put it on without a problem. Just then the door burst opened, to reveal Arvo. He evilly smirked. "Now then, it's just the two of us..isn't it?"

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