"There will be betrayals"

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Louis's POV
"Hm.." Louis said. "Well, can you stay here Clem and keep a eye of them? I'll go round everyone and gather them for a meeting about if they can stay for a while or not. Ruby, Willy, do you mind helping me?" Louis asked. "Sure thing, I'll help." Willy said and ran off into the building. Ruby nodded and also went into the building. "Can I stay here with Clem?" AJ asked. "Of course little man." Louis said while walking into the building too. After everyone left, AJ sat besides Clem on the bench. "Clem.." AJ said. "Ya?" "Why did you go off on your own?" AJ asked. Clem sighed. "Listen kiddo, I know this probably sounds stupid but...I hated not being...helpful." Clem admitted. "Helpful?" AJ said confusedly. "I just...all my life I've been in so many groups, and even though basically all of them fell apart, I was always needed to help doing something. I got used to it so much that not doing anything helpful felt boring almost. So when I got bit and this...leg had to come off..I felt like I was useless. I couldn't do anything to help the group. So when the walkers came I ran out because maybe if I find the source to where they were coming from and destroyed it, I would be..helpful." Clem said with a big sigh at the end. AJ didn't say anything and looked even more confused. Clem stayed silent too. "But Clem....your helpful everyday." AJ finally spoke. "What?" "You May not be able to help with protecting the school or doing chores as much but...you help Louis, me and everyone at the school everyday. Your our leader, and without you...we would have fallen apart. Just being here helps me and Louis feel happy everyday." AJ said while smiling. "We love you Clem, and can't imagine life without you here." AJ said while going in to hug her. Those last words hit Clem. They can't imagine being here without me? Has anyone ever said that to me before? Clem almost felt like crying, but held herself together and hugged back. "Thanks AJ, I needed that, and I love you guys too." Just then the admin door opened, and out came out James. "Oh..hi Clementine, Louis said I'd find you here." Jams said while walking up to Clem and sitting besides her. "I'm glad your back and okay." James said. Clem smiled. "Ya me too." After a pause James said to AJ, "AJ, Louis said he having trouble finding everyone and needed your help, he said he'd wait for you in his room, will you go help in?" James asked. "Sure!" AJ said excitingly, and ran into the building. Clem laughed as she saw AJ go off into the distance. "I have to tell you something Clementine." James said as soon as he couldn't see AJ anymore. "Oh?" Clem said intrigued. "I don't know the story, but I heard your where saved by those people." James said motioning to Alex, Tyler, and Mia, who were still talking or auguring. "Ya they did, so?" Clem asked still not understanding where James was going. "Look..." He said with a sigh. "I'm not trying to be rude or judge your judgment, but...I just want you to know that you can't always trust everyone." Clem said nothing. "Now I know you know that, that you can't trust everyone. But I want you think about letting them in." Clem knew who he was referring too. "Just because they saved you doesn't mean they are trustworthy. Haven't you ever been in a group, or say someone betrayed you?" James said intrigued in Clem's answer. Clem say there and thought. Well, there was Arvo, Marlon, David, Lilly, and so much more. Clem sighed and nodded. "Ya, of course I have." Clem said. "Well then you'd understand that there are going to be more betrayals in the future. So what I'm trying to say is that be carful who you trust." James said. "I know, thanks James, for...Y'know the advice." Clem said while smiling. James smiled and nodded. "Hey guys, we rounded everyone up, let's meet in the admin building." Louis said as he came out from inside and went to go pick up Clem.

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