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After a few minutes of silence Javi finally spoke. "Nice leg" he commented . Clem laughed. "Thanks, it's not on sale by the way." She Said. "Ahh bummer." Javi said playing along. But Clem knew it was time to talk about Gabe. "Listen Javi about Gabe, he needs to behave. We are not 5 year olds. Gabe is basically almost an adult, so he needs to start acting like it." Clem Said. Javi sighed. "Do you know why is has a problem with you and Louis dating?" Javi Asked. "No I swear I have no possible-" but she was interrupted. "He likes you Clementine." Javi said. Clem was shocked.  How could I be so dumb? She asked herself. She remembered back in the admin building that Gabe wanting to tell her something. But she didn't know he meant to confess his feeling for her. "Oh" is all she said.  Javi then got up to leave the gym. "Wait. I'm just saying if he starts one more fight, then he's out. I'm sorry Javi, but this is how it has it be" Javi stopped moving. "He's dorm is next to your friend Ruby." Is all he said and then left the gym. Clem was left all alone, wondering how she was going to talk Gabe. She then slowly got up, she needed to get used to her new leg. She then made it to Ruby's dorm, which was the last one in the hallway. So she looked to left and saw the door to Gabe's room. Here goes nothing. She opened the door were she saw Gabe sitting on his bed, looking at the ground. "Gabe?" Clem Said. He didn't look up. She then sat down next to him. "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?" She asked. This question startled Gabe. "I-Your with Louis though." He Said. "Yes that's true but it doesn't have to get in the way of our friendship. Gabe your one of my friends, and maybe that's all we will ever be but it's what you got. Your a true friend Gabe, and those are rare. So what I'm saying is that we can kept being friends and that's all we will be , or you can keep irritating us and lose are friendship and get kicked out. So what is it going to be?" Clem Said, getting out all the words. She knew she was tough but it is the only way for him to get the hint. Gabe didn't even hesitate to answer. "I want to keep our friendship, I'm sorry about everything. I have my fathers temper after all." Clem smiled at his comment. "Are we good this time?" She asked. "Yes, were are good." Then Clem leaned in and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry Clem, I know I'm a pain in the ass, but I won't bother you guys anymore." Gabe Said while there were hugging. "Thank you, Gabriel" She Said. She almost laughed, she never called him by he's real name before. Gabe then pulled their hug apart. "Excuse me?" He Said, he's face full of confusion. Clem hid her laugh. Before she could respond she hears Omar yell "Dinners ready!" Saved by the yell. "Oh dinners ready we should get going." She then got up and ran quickly out the door. "Don't you dare run from me Clementine!" He yelled. He chased after her. "When I get to you your so done!" He yelled. Clementine kept laughing until she finally made it to the piano room. (That's were everyone was eating.) She burst into the room. "Clem what the hell?" Ruby said. But Clem shushed Ruby his behind the piano room door. Not 5 seconds later Gabe came into the room. "Where is she?!" He asked, huffing from all the running. Everyone looked at Clem benign the piano door. She put her finger on her lips to make it seem like she said "keep quite." Everyone nodded and some started giggling. Louis then went up to Gabe and said "If  you are trying to hurt Clem I swear to god-" But He was interrupted by Clem screaming "Boo!" Gabe was startled and screamed a little to, which everyone laughed to. "Clem- you- I- ughh" He all Gabe could say. Clem was laughing hysterically. Gabe then softly punch Clem arm. "I'll get my revenge one day." He Said. Clem and Gabe both laughed. He then whispered in to Clem ear. "Go take a seat and going to apologize to Louis, it the right thing to do." Clem then smiled and mouthed "Thank you." And went along to eat, were a bunch of people were asking what happened. She explained to them what happened. They all burst out in laughter. She also noticed James was there to. She noticed he was talking to that guy named Matthew. Huh maybe they'll hit it off. She thought. She then turned around and saw Louis and Gabe talking. They both shook hands but she couldn't understand what they were saying. She smiled, Happy that the boys were starting to get along. Everyone sat a the tables and were laughing and having a great time. But all Clem could think about was how Gabe and Louis finally made truce. Everything was perfect, so what could possibly go wrong?

The next chapter is going to be Louis point of view of what happened in this chapter. Thanks for reading!

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