"Your a liar"

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Louis's POV
Ever since that day, a week ago to be exact Clem as never been the same. He knows she's seen stuff, nothing like he'd ever seen, but he never excepted her to crack. He still doesn't know what happened with Arvo, Cora, and Cory, and he desperately wants to know. He wants to know what's bothering his girlfriend. He and AJ come to visit her in her lonely room every once and a while, (Clem only lets them inside her dorm with her permission) but she never acts the same. Since Clem doesn't let anyone inside, AJ sleeps with Louis. Louis always wondered what happened that day in that room at that time, that got Clem so..so..broken..That day he was going to bring up the courage to go to Clem's room, and ask her what happened. Then once she did, he was going to make jokes, make her laugh and everything would go back to normal. Well first I have to enter the door..Louis thought as he approached Clem's door. He was about to knock when he heard voices taking inside the room. The only he was able to make out to hear was "What the hell?! You a liar! They would never do that!" He heard the footsteps coming towards the door so Louis quickly ran to one of the bookshelves in the hallway and hid behind them. The door opened and the voice said "I can't do this right Clem." They said and shut the door and walked away. Louis stepped out of his hiding place and look around puzzled. What the hell..? He turned his attention Clem's door and went up to it and knocked. "I thought you said you were done?" He heard Clem's voice say. He opened the door. "Oh Louis...sorry I thought you were somebody else." Clem said. Louis came in and closed the door behind him. "Who was that?" He asked as he sat on Clem's bed. Clem sighed and got up and sat next to him, not meeting his eyes. Louis grabbed her hand which made her look up at him in surprise. "It's ok Clementine, you can talk to me." He said with a innocent smile. Clem squeezed Louis's hand tighter and told him everything. How Arvo came in and knocked Ruby out and that he tried to kill her, but was let down with his death from Cory. Then Cory's betrayal and Cora's suicide. After the explanation, Clem was almost in tears. Louis didn't say a word after she finished. "I just- it felt..different. I know I'm being a child but..." Clem didn't finish that last sentence.

I'm sorry this was really short, school as been busy and and I'm sick at the moment. If I don't publish next week , and I'm sincerely sorry. I know this wasn't the best chapter

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