"His name is Arvo."

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When she went into to room was chaos. People were panicking, yelling at each other, or other were just pacing around. Clem then whistled which got everyone's attention. "Ok everyone I'm not going to repeat myself, we need to kept a low profile we don't know if people are still here." Clem Said. Everyone nodded and stayed silent to hear Clem's words. "Ok first things first, is everyone ok?" She asked. Everyone nodded. "Ok good, second did anyone come in contact with an intruder or seen something?" Gabe raised his hand. "Well I heard nosies when I was about to go to bed. It was nearby window, it was rustling noises but I thought it was animal." Gabe Said. Clem nodded. "Ok last question, does anybody know who the hell are these people?!" Clem Said. All the boarding kids shook their heads, but Javi's group didn't. "Javi, do you know these people?" Clem asked suspiciously. Javi was about his mouth to answer but just then Ruby came through the doors. "Clem a word?" She asked. Clem nodded. "I'll be right back, everyone just remain calm." Clem Said, and then went off with Ruby. "So what's up?" Clem asked when they were out of Marlon's office. "Well Louis is fine, the bullet when clean through, but with rest he should be fine." Ruby said. Clem sighed with relief. "And I need to tell you something, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while but I never had the chance." Clem raised her eyebrow. "Well remember how you assigned us task the second day Javi's group came in?" Clem nodded. "Well when I was with Victoria and Cora I asked them how they lost their camp, and they answered strangely." Ruby said. "Well what did they say?" Clem asked. "Well when I asked them Victoria Said "Well actually we didn't lose it, our camp got raided-" But before she could say more Cora covered Victoria mouth and said "It got raided with walkers she means" I was suspicious at first but then brushed it off. But now with these intruders, I'm starting to think that it's not a coincidence." Ruby said. Clem had to take all these new information in. It would explain why Javi's group said they didn't know them. Clem thought. "I'm going to go talk to them." Clem Said. And before Ruby could say other word,Clem was gone. When Clem walked in everyone was in their own group, talking about what happened. She looked for Javi and found him with Gabe. She then started walking up to them. And while she was she heard Javi say "You don't know it's them." When Clem heard that, that was all enough evidence to know that they knew these people. "So you do know them., don't you? Why didn't you tell us?!" Clem Said when she got to them. Javi sighed. "They already killed 2 of our people, they told us not to to tell anyone." Javi said. "Omg Javi I can't believe you, I trusted you to tell me stuff." Clem Said. "Hey it's not like you did the same thing to me when we first met. You also lied to me, not telling me you weren't apart of the New Frontier." Javi said. Clem sighed. She knew he was right. "Ok fine, but what do they want?" Clem asked. "They just raid other people's camp and take what they can find. They were trouble when I was running Richmond, they tried to attack but they failed and lost a lot of their people with it. Not long after the Delta came and raided our camp. And with the few survivors left, aka us, they decided to attack. They probably found out that we were staying here. They were only 9 of us and they killed 2 off so that's left us with only 7 people who survived the war between Richmond and the Delta." Javi said. Clem proceeded this information. "What do they call themselves?" She asked."They call themselves the Slashers, they kill usually with knifes people that way. They don't usually kill them with guns or stuff, only if they have too. But when ever they can they kill people with a sharp blade and when there dead carved a line straight with their foreheads with the knife. Almost like a brand to say that they killed them." Gabe Said. "That's horrible." Clem Said. Gabe and Javi just stayed silent. "What's their leaders name?" Clem asked. "I don't know exactly, but I know he's Russian, he has that accent." Clem gasped. It couldn't be, could it?  She thought. "Javi this is very important, does he have glasses?!" Clem asked nervously. "Umm yes, broken ones." He Said. Clem fears came true. She knew it was Arvo. She remembered when she was just a little girl when she first met him. Kenny was always punching him and abusing him, until one day I guess he snapped. He shot Clem near the shoulder and ran off with Bonnie and Mike and was never to be seen again. "Clem?" Helloooo?" Javi said, rising his hand in front of Clem. Clem then quickly snapped back to reality. "Are you ok?" Gabe asked. "I'll-I'll explain right now." Clem Said. She then ran out of Marlon's office and went to Ruby. "Ruby can Louis stand?" She asked. "Clem I got shot in the arm, not my leg, I'm ok." Clem looked up and saw Louis. He looked fine except the jacket was covered in the blood of his arm. Clem hugged him and then told Ruby and him to meet in Marlon's office. When they got there she told everyone what was happening. She told them about Javi and the Slashers encounter and how they raided and killed his people. Then she told that he's name is Arvo. She told them how she meet Arvo, how Kenny abused him and that he snapped and shot her and ran off with other people. When she finished everyone's emotions were all over the place. Some we angry and what they heard, some felt sorrow for Clem, other were just plain confused. "When they come I'll be the one to talk to them, I know him, I'm your only chance for everything to turn out ok." Clem Said. People were a bit hesitate on letting Clem go but they agreed. Everyone was going to up to Clem after she was done with her speech. They all had questions about the plan, but Clem shut them down. "Let's just get some sleep first, Willy would you mind being first watch?" Clem asked. Willy agreed, and kept a look out while everyone fell asleep. Then the next person would take the look out shift and then another and another. They all went to bed, thinking that tomorrow everything will be alright.

But it wasn't.

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