"How do you know her?"

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Louis's POV
After 5 minutes of walking they made it to the river. Not this place again....He always still gets scared being around here, he knows it's silly, but this was were his first kill was...and were a lot of people died. Louis noticed there were cups there and a blanket. This might be were the person is living temporarily. The stranger then picked up the cups and put them in the water. They lifted it up and stick out the cup to Louis. "Drink." They Said. Louis didn't want to get them upset because he didn't know what they were capable of. He drank it and it tasted horrible but he didn't say anything. As he drank the water the stranger started talking. "How do you know Clementine?" They asked. "She's my girlfriend" He responded calmly, not wanting to give to much information. The stranger chuckled. "Sure hon" They Said. They then asked a other question. "How long have you know her?" "About a month or so." Louis Said. After a while they didn't say anything, until Louis was the one to ask the questions. "Ok you are you? What do you want from us? How do you know Victoria?" He went on. "Slow down dude, I'm not here to hurt you." They Said. "Well if your not then take off your mask." Louis replied sassily. They took off there mask. It was woman, just what Louis thought before. She had short, pixie cut blonde hair, light skin and dark blue eyes. She looked like she was in her late 20's or early 30's. "So are going to tell me your name?" Louis Asked. "Not yet." Is all she responded. "But I know who you are, your Louis. Supposedly....Clem boyfriend." She said sarcastically. He ignored her comment. "So do you know Clem?" He asked. "Yes I did...a long time ago." She Said. "I was once part of Javier's group, but as you know, the Slashers attacked. That's how I knew Victoria. I wrote you that note, it probably sounded threatening, but it was the only way I'd you to come, to make you panic about something you care about. But anyway, When the Slashers attacked I escaped, but couldn't help the others. They all think I'm dead. I moved from place to place until I heard gunshots. I found the noise and your school. I wanted to help but I knew I couldn't, it was to risky. And then....Victoria was dead. I was about to leave when I saw Clementine, we'll at least I thought I did. I wasn't sure if it was her, so I decided to right a note. But your weren't supposed to get it, Clem was. But I had to make do you with." She paused. "How is she?" The woman asked. "I believe she's doing fine it's just hard..." Louis He didn't finish is lay sentence. But the woman didn't seem to notice and moved on to the next question that popped in her mind. "Is there by any chance a man's there. He's goes by the name Lee." She asked. "No actually, funny you mention it. Clem always talks about him but she said he passed away." Louis said. "Oh..." The woman Said sadly. "Woulda mind taking me her?" The lady Asked Louis. "Fine, but you promise not to be a crazy psycho?" He asked. The woman laughed "I promise hon." They shook hands and got up and started walking towards the school. "So will you tell me your name now?" Louis Asked. She laughed and replied "Sorry almost forgot about that."
"It's Molly."

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