"I miss them"

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"Omg" Is all Clem could say. "He really did that?" Clem Asked Louis. Louis nodded. They were sitting down in Clem's dorm room since AJ was outside making sure everything that we needed was inside before it got very cold. Clem then put her hand on Louis's cheek were the bruise was, and began rubbing it gentle. "I'm so sorry Lou, I'm been talking to him about this TWICE now. I'll talk to him again if I have to." Clem Said. Louis didn't respond. "Does it matter Clem? He won't stop leaving us alone no matter what you say." Louis Said sternly. There was silence. "Ok how bout this, if he keeps talking about our relationship, and keeps bothering us then we will kick him out." Clem Said. "But Don't you remember? You said everyone has to leave if one person ruins it all." Louis said. "I know but...everyone is enjoying their company and their pretty helpful. Gabe is the only one being annoying so he needs to go if he keeps causing problems." Clem Said. Louis knew that voice in her tone, she definitely meant what she said. Louis nodded. Clem then noticed that Louis still looked down. "What wrong?" Clem asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" Louis Asked. "Tell you what?" Clem Said confusingly. "That your branded?!" Louis said. Clem asked silent, "Do- do you not trust me?" Louis said while getting worried. "No!" Clem Said. "No..." she said again more softly. "I'm just ashamed of it..." She finally Said. "I just hate the thought that I let people brand me when I knew deep down that the group would never work, and it didn't. I did it for AJ, he was all I had left and I couldn't lose him too..." Clem Said. She almost felt like she was about to cry. "Clem....I-I'm so sorry you went through that, but if you don't mind can I see it?" Louis Asked. Clem looked shocked. "But it's ugly..." she said. Louis grabbed her hand "Clementine, nothing about you is ugly, those scars just show you how strong you are. So please show me." Louis said, still not letting go of her hand. "O-o-k" Clem Said. She was so nervous, she really didn't show anyone her brand, not even AJ. When she lifted it up Louis gasped. Clem sighed "I know it's horrible." She Said. But then she felt a warm embrace, it was Louis hugging her. "How could anyone do that to you?!" He asked. "I had to do it for AJ Lou... he's all that I had" Clem responded. There was a pause. "But now I have this home, friends, safety, and most importantly YOU" Clem Said. While they were still hugging Louis gently kissed Clem cheek. "I love you Clementine, don't ever forget that." Is all he said. "I know I love me too" Clem Said while laughing which made Louis laugh more. "But for all seriousness, I love you too" She Said. Then she felt a hand if her, it was tiny. It wasn't Louis because Louis had his arms around her waist. And because they were so small to be his. She pecked over and saw AJ. He was hugging both of them. "I love you guys" AJ Said. Clem and Louis looked at each other a giggled. They just decided to go along with it. They hugged him back. "I love you guys." Louis said. "Me too" Clem Said. "AJ why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be outside." Clem asked. AJ didn't respond. Then they heard the most unexpected thing, snoring. It was coming from AJ. "Damn, he's a fast sleeper." Louis said while laughing. Clem shushed him and carful they both put him in his bed. Then quietly got out of the dorm and when they did they started giggling. "Omg where did he come from?" Louis said. "I don't know, how did we not hear him open the door." Clem Said. Louis gasped. "Do you think he saw me kiss your cheek?" Louis Asked. "If he did and asks it about me later I'm going to kill you!" Clem Said. "Why would you want to kill this handsome face?" Louis Said while making a "handsome" face. Which only made Clem laugh more. "Can you stay here with AJ, I'm going to go talk to Javi, about Gabe" Clem Said. "Of course, and good luck." He Said. He then quickly went back into the dorm. After a while Clem found Javi sitting down on the floor, in what looked like a gym. Clem never been in this place before and no one ever told her about it, but she understood why. All the bleachers were either broken or about to break. Part of the walls were falling down and were replaced with some boards supporting them. Clem quickly stop noticing her surroundings and went to Javi. She sat down next to him. "Hey" She Said. He didn't respond, he had his hand over his face, looking down at the ground. "Listen, about Gabe he-"Clem was interrupted."I'm sorry about him Clementine I really am, but please please please don't kick him out!" Javi said, . There was silence, Clem didn't know how to respond to that. She felt somewhat sorrow. The first time she meet him he was strong and brave. Now he's looks broken. "He's all I have left....." Javi finally spoke. Clem sighed. "What happened to you?" Clem asked. Javi looked up. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You were once so strong, brave, and even if your were scared, I could never see it." Clem Said. "Well when you lose your lover and child in the same day, it's hurts way more than you could image" Javi. Clem knew what he was talking about. He was talking about Kate and his unborn child. "I also miss my brother." Javi said. Clem looked shocked, she never really liked David. "And I know you hated him, so did I sometimes, but still his was my only brother." Javi said. "Hey I didn't HATE him, I just didn't like him." Clem Said. Javi chuckled a bit. "Anyway, I know how it feels I lose friends." Clem Said. They just sat there in silence thinking about all the moments they shared with their loved ones, and the ones they lost.

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