"Now you'll feel my pain"

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Clem was one of the first people to wake up right at sunrise. Her, Aasim, Gabe and Jake were up. Aasim told her that Matthew and James were also up but were walking around the school, checking the area to see if they saw anything. "So what do you think about all this?" Clem asked Aasim. "Sh*t Clem, I thought we were done. We already dealt with the delta and now this?! I'm just hoping it finishes just as fast as it started." He Said. "Ya, me too." Clem Said. Then she went over to Gabe. She didn't want to talk about the Slashers, so she decided to talk about something else. "Hey Gabe, do you remember how I showed to to stun walkers?" Clem asked. Gabe thought for a moment. "Ya I remember but I don't use it as much." He Said shyly. Clem giggled. "It's ok." She Said. But before they could say anything else to each other Matthew and James came running into the room. "Guys I think they are here." Matthew Said. Clem immediately started waking everyone up and telling them to met in the admin building. She also told Louis that he should stay here and get some rest, but still get his guard up. He didn't want to just stay there, he wanted to help. But with a bit of convincing, Clem managed to make him stay. She also gave him a knife just in case anything were to happen. Then when everybody was grabbing their weapons Clem went up to James. "It might get bad out there, and you might have to kill. Can you do it?" Clem asked James. James sighed a saddened sigh and then nodded and went down to the admin building. When everyone was there (Expect Louis) Clem made one more announcement. "When we go out there, you need to show that your not afraid. It might get heated but don't be afraid. We took down the Delta, and I believe we can do it-" But Clem was interrupted by a loud bang. It was coming from outside, it didn't sound like bullets more like something smashing against the wall. Everyone then waited for Clem command. "Let's go." She Said. Everyone then barged out of the admin building and went outside slowly. But before Clem went as well she went to AJ. "AJ, it might get messy out there but your strong, stronger then me, so I just want to say I love you AJ." Clem Said "I love you to Clem, I'll be brave out there." AJ Said. They then quickly went outside. When she got there she noticed 10 people on the other side of the gate, all wearing masked. She then noticed one of them looking at her, and she saw underneath their mask, were broken glasses. Clem had had enough. "Arvo!" She yelled. There was silence. Then the person who was looking at her was starting to walk towards the gates not breaking the eye contact they had with Clem. Clem the also started walking towards the gate, meeting the person there. When they both meet at the gates they kept making eye contact. Until the person took of their mask. Clem immediately knew it was a Arvo. He looked the same just a bit older. He had to be in his early 20's by now. "Clementine I-" He began to speak but Clem interrupted him. "He's dead." Is all she said. "Who-I don't understand-" But again he was interrupted. "Kenny, he's dead, that's what you want right?" Clem asked. You could tell she was nervous but she kept a straight eye. Arvo stayed silent but by the look in his eyes, you could tell the sound of "dead" and "Kenny" in the same sentence soothed him. "Your wondering were Mike and Bonnie are no?" Arvo Said. Clem thought for a moment then nodded. "We ran and just ran after the incident I had with you. Then we stopped somewhere when we couldn't run anymore. But in the middle of the night a walker snuck up on use and killed mike. Me and Bonnie just ran until we were going to die of hunger. We found some food left and Bonnie decided to give it to me to keep up my strength. Then when we walked more she just collapsed and died of hunger." Arvo said. Clem was sad to learn that her friends had died. They might have betrayed her but there was a time when they were all friends. "Before everything goes to hell and this will probably be our last conversation before we bash each other brains out, I just have one question." Clem Said. Arvo nodded and listened to Clem. "Why did you shoot me?" She asked. Arvo chuckled. "Well Clem, I wanted revenge for you killing my sister Natasha, But I failed. So I thought what was the point of killing something you can't kill." Clem then noticed he put his first up in the air. She looked confused but Arvo kept taking. "So I thought since you killed someone I loved, then why not do the same to you." Arvo the smiled and then released the fist from his hand. Clem was confused but then heard a gunshot. She turned around to see Victoria, falling to the floor, blood pouring out of her neck.

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