"Where are you?"

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He looked slowly to see that only a bunny came out. At first he was relieved but then felt a hand on his mouth and a knife closely to his neck. "Don't move" they said. It sounded like a woman's voice. Louis nodded and the person let go. "Come with me" they said. Louis hesitated. "How do I know you won't kill me or anything." He asked as they started waking away. "I guess you have to find out" they said, still walking and not looking back. Louis sighed and reluctantly followed.

Clem's POV
Cora paused and sighed. "We were all ten years old I think when it happened. Cole, Cory, and I were sleeping when we heard our mom scream. We went down stairs to find her fighting a walker. But we didn't know that yet. So anyway we looked closer and we noticed it looked like our dad. We just stood there, not knowing what to do. Then Cole was about to help out mom when her and my "dad walker" hit a desk and knocked over a candle that was there. It fell and started spreading to the curtains. It all happened to fast. Before you knew it the walker  snuck their teeth to our mom neck. But the fire was quickly spreading, and we didn't have time to help mom. Luckily we had a basement and it had an escape exit. So without looking back, Cole grabbed me and Cory and dragged us to the basement. We were coughing and couldn't see very well but somehow to make it. Cory when down first then me but then a walker grabbed Cole as he was walking downstairs. He managed to kick e'm but it was so late. He got bite on the leg. We both looked at each other with horror in our eyes. But then the walker came back and dragged him back into the fire. Then out of nowhere Cory came and grabbed his hand telling him to fight back. But then Cole smiled sadly as he was being taken away by the walker, he said it was ok and to let him go. Cory and I both held on not wanting to let go but......." Cora stopped. Clem eyes sadden. She knew what had happened. "Cory thinks it's his fault, for not saving Cole but it wasn't anyone's fault. It all just happened to fast." Clem laid her hand on on Cora's shoulder. "I understand stand. You can never save everyone." Clem Said sorrowfully. Then Cora hugged Clem. "Thanks for understanding Clementine." She Said. Clem hugged her back. "Anytime." When they parted they heard a noise. It was Clem 'a stomach grumbling. Both of the girls laughed. "C'mon let go eat" Cora Said. Clem nodded and with the help of Cora's help they made it to the piano room. When they got there. Omar and Aasim were taking. When the boys saw them, they immediately rushed to Clem. "Clem we need to talk." Omar Said. "About...?" Clem asked. "We're running low on food. We might only have food for today and tomorrow but that's it." Aasim cut in. Clem sighed. "Well it's to risky to go out right now. Who knows we're the Slashers are. We just have to hold out until we are sure they are gone." Clem responded. The two boys didn't say anything. "But let's not do this right now. Let's just eat and have a nice dinner and we'll talk about this tomorrow, ok?" She Said. They all nodded. Soon everyone arrived expect for Louis. "Hey AJ, have you seen Louis anywhere?" Clem asked AJ as they were eating. "Last that I saw him he was in a hurry. But look! I have some money!" AJ Said excitedly, while taking money out of his pocket. While AJ was talking to Clem, she couldn't help but blank him out. Where are you Louis?

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