"Wanna go on a date?.."

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Clem was shocked. She knew they wanted to her dead, well at least she thinks they do, and now she knows their not going to give up. Clem was about to respond when she heard AJ's little voice coming through the doors. "Clem! Guess what?" He came running in. He must not of seen Molly because he didn't point her out. "What's up goofball?" She asked AJ as she turned his way. "I think my birthday is coming up soon. Well maybe in a few weeks." Clem smiled. "I think your right goofball, it is starting to get chilly." Clem always thought that AJ birthday was somewhere in winter. When he was born it was starting to snow so that's why she thought that. But...she also knew that different places had different types of weather, no matter what season they were in but she just thought that since it was snowing it must be around October to December. She also knows this because her friend, Luke, had a birthday a couple days after AJ was born. So she just decided to go with it. But she also was worried. Aasim had brought up that food was running low. So it's probably going to be hard to hunt food when all the animals are hiding or hibernating. They still have the greenhouse but the colder it gets, the more of the chance of them probably not going to the greenhouse as much. Besides she never really ever asked the group if they coats and blankets and stuff, but it was school so they probably do. She was so deep in thought with this she felt a finger touch her shoulder. "Everything ok Clem?" She turned to noticed it was Louis who tapped her shoulder. "Ya...sorry I just was daydreaming..." She responses. AJ looked confused and Clem didn't want anyone to worry about her so she changes the subject to Molly. "AJ I'd like you to meet someone." She gently pushed AJ to Molly's way. "I knew her when I was a bit older than you are. Remember when I told you about Lee? I meet her the time I knew him." She Said. "H-hello..." AJ Said shyly. "Heya, the names Molly." She said and stuck out her hand which AJ took and shook it. "Well I better go....bye!" AJ Said just as fast as he left the room. Clem noticed he was always shy meeting new people which she thought was adorable. Molly then came close and whispered into Clem's ear and said "You better start telling me everything." Clem playfully rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's go to my room." She Said as her and Molly started walking. But then Clem stopped dead and her tracks and slowly turned around. "Louis can you come over for a sec?" She said as she turned to him. He nodded and walked over to them. Clem then gently kissed his cheek. "Don't scare me like that again,ok?" She Said. Louis blushes and nodded, not being able to get the words out. As Clem and Molly were waking, Molly's voice was full of excitement. "Ok NOW you better tell me everything." Clem chuckled shyly.

"Omg that's horrible Clem....I'm so sorry." Molly Said. Clem explained the whole story, ya the WHOLE STORY. She told her what happened after Molly left the group and how Lee got bit and that she had to kill him. She told her all about how she survived with Christa and how Omid, until they both left her. How she meet Kenny again and how she got the dog bite. How she was there when AJ came into the world and stuck with him ever since,(well for the most part anyway.) How She was there when Kenny was eaten by walkers.How  she meet Javi and became part of the New Frontier. How after years running they made it here and how they had to go through crazy adventure with these kids. It took an hour to tell her everything. "I can't imagine what that must of been like....you were so young to go through all the stuff...." Molly Said. "How bout you? How did you get here?" Clem asked Molly after a while of silence. "Well after I left your guys, I actually decided i wanted to come back. I don't know why, I just liked your group and your people, well most of them anyway. But when I came back you were all gone. I met some people after I didn't find you guys but I realized the best way to survive was on my own. I meet Javi at Richmond. I wasn't in very good shape and they took me in so I decided to stay. After the Slashers attacked I went with Javi with the small group of people." She then told her what she told Louis, about how the group thought she was dead and so on. "Wow Molly, I guess you and I both went through some crazy sh*t." Clem Said. "Ya I suppose we did." They stood there in silence when they heard a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal Louis. "Hey Molly umm so I told Gabe and Javi and the others that your here and they want to meet you." Louis Said. Molly sighed and stood up. "I guess they deserve an explanation....Where are they?" Molly Asked Louis. "You remember when I came with you and showed you to Clem? Their in that room." Molly nodded and left the room. Louis sighed. "Finally.." He Said while going to sit down next to Clem. Clem noticed he seemed a bit nervous and kept fixing his coat. "Louis...what is it?" Clem asked the nervous boy. Louis took a deep breath and turned to Clem. "What am about to say right now...please don't think it's cheesy..." He Said nervously. "I promise I won't." Clem responded. Louis then grabbed both of her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Soo.....I was thinking...if I- I mean we can...." Louis stopped talking. He took another deep breath. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me..." He finally Said.

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