"I hate you!"

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Clem's POV
7 minutes earlier
"Arvo?! What the hell do you want?! Why can't you just leave us alone?!" Clem said while standing up. Arvo didn't respond and instead turned his attention to Ruby. He walked up to her, putting the gun in his pocket. Ruby glared at him and quickly put her arm up to slap him or punch him. But just before she could hit him, Arvo grabbed her arm so she wouldn't get any closer to his face. He gave her a wicked smile and then punched her in the face. Clem gasped. Ruby fell down near the beds, passed out. "Missed me." Arvo told the unconscious Ruby. He then turned his attention to Clem. "Now.." Arvo said while pulling out his gun. "Where were we?" He then fired the bullet at Clem, but she dodged it. But she fell on the floor. He went up to her slowly, still pointing the gun at her." I hope you understand, that's this was always for Natasha." He was 3 feet from her and was pointing the gun at her, ready to fire. But then there was a gun shot. Clem closed her eyes. Then she felt something heavy fall on her. She felt liquid almost. She opened her eyes to see Arvo, blood coming out of his head. She immediately pushed him aside and got away from him. He's dead....who could have...But just she heard a voice. "Clem?" She turned around to see that last person she expected..Cory. She got up and walked to him, he was holding a gun. "Did you just-" "Yes I did" Cory interrupted. Clem turned away to look at Arvo's body. "Wow I can't believe he's dead. I mean-" But just then Clem felt something touch her forehead. It a gun. "Cory what are you-" But Cory then pushed them gun deeper in the forehead. "Shut up! Let's this be more simple then it as to be." Clem wasn't haven't it though. She used her arm to punch his in the stomach. He let go of the gun, and it slid under the beds. They both looked at each other. Cory started to run towards the bed, but Clem has a other idea. She went the opposite way of Cory, and headed for Arvo's body. She grabbed the gun where he dropped it, and by the time Cory grabbed the gun, Clem already had Arvo's and was pointing it at Cory. Clem didn't have time to think, because if she did, he would've killed her. She shot. It was a perfect shot, right in the head. His body collapsed, dropping the gun with it. Clem just stood there, shocked about everything that happened. She didn't know what to do. What I'm a going to tell the others?! Will they believe when I said it was self defense?! Why was Cory doing that?! She stood for what felt like an eternity, but was probably a a few seconds. She then she felt someone touch her shoulder. She looked to see Cora. Clem smiled and got up and hugged her. Cora didn't hug her back "I'm so happy to see a familiar face."Clem said. Clem then let go and then quickly turned her attention to Ruby, who was still unconscious on the floor. "She's still alive but got hit pretty badly. I think we gotta-" "Clem...why is my brother on the floor" Cora interrupted. No.. Cora gasped as she turned Cory's dead body around, to reveal his head shot. Cora looked up and Clem with a horrified face. "What did you do....What did you do!!!!" She yelled at Clem. She then picked up his gun. Clem put her hands in the air. "Cora l-listen-" Clem said was was interrupted. "No you listen!!! You did this..didn't you?! You always hated my brother and this is what you did to him?! To me!" Cora yelled. "I HATE YOU!" She yelled one more time. Still pointing the gun at Clem. "Please Cora, j-j-just let me explain." Clem said, stuttering her words. Cora then stopped pointing the gun at Clem and looked down at it. She then did something Clem would have never expected. She shot herself. She pointed the gun up to her chin and pulled the trigger. "No!" Clem said as her body hit the floor. Clem put her hands over her mouth. She then collapsed on the floor. She wanted to cry. She sat there, looking at all the dead bodies around her. How did this happen.... Just then she heard footsteps heading her way. At first she thought it was Arvo's gang, and that they've come to kill her, but she didn't care. Right now she felt numb, she didn't know what to feel after everything that happened. "Omg Clem!" She heard a voice call her name. It was Louis. But she didn't care. "I'm so sorry....I'm so sorry...It's all my fault..." Clem said. I just caused 3 people's lives to be taken..and even though some deserved it , it never gets easier.

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